Sunday, September 27, 2009

Withdrawal Symptoms!!!

Surprise surprise, another post of complaints.
Perhaps the best adjective to describe the sort of person I am would be "(easily) annoyed". Cos' I am so serious when I say I am annoyed practically ALL the time.

Anyway, on with todays complaint(s).

I am SO SICK of the freaking cold weather here. I mean I know it's nice and like different and not humid and you don't sweat as much and my hair doesn't get frizzy and all that crap, but this cold nonsense is getting old. LIKE SERIOUSLY I thought the weather was supposed to be getting warmer since SPRING IS HERE. Whatever natural phenomenon is causing this coldness needs to get the with program already. There are 4 seasons in a year for all the unfortunate countries located far from the equator, and it's only supposed to be cold for ONE out of the four. And F.Y.I., winter is OVER here in melbourne. And I am SICK of being ambushed by icy gusts of wind in my face while i'm walking to school and having to defrost my toes with the help of an ice pick every night before i go to bed. It is not fun.

It was fun the first 5 weeks i was here, but now it's starting to become ridiculous. How in the WORLD do melbournians bring themselves to bathe in this stupid climate??? And don't tell me they don't have to cos' they don't perspire or get dirty or whatever because that's not true. I mean the part about them not getting dirty. People don't just get dirty by perspiring alright. There's dirt floating around whether you decide to break a sweat or not.

ANYWAY, yes. How, for the love of warmth and toastiness, do they bring themselves to bathe??? I have to believe there's some sort of secret device that's been invented for them to get clean without having to strip down or come into contact with water. Because that's the only way I'D be willing to take regular showers. I mean this is totally serious! It's becoming a problem. Like when night-time comes around and I know I have to bathe soon, I start getting this feeling of dread and suddenly all i want to do is curl up in my bed (which is cold initially but gets warmer thanks to body heat) and hide under the blanket. And like, try to muster enough strength to creep gingerly into the bathroom, brave the cold and take my nightly shower. In fact, I wouldn't even really call it "mustering the strength". It's more like... shutting my eyes really tight and praying that if i wish hard enough, I will be magically cleaned without having to move a muscle. (For the record, I have been showering regularly. It's the singaporean in me that demands daily baths... probably by force of habit.. and need for cleanliness.) And get THIS. The bathroom, right, the toilet... the area of the house in which a person is MOST VULNERABLE... has an open window.

Yes. That's right. You heard me.
There is a window on the wall over the toilet bowl. AND IT IS WIDE OPEN.
The only pathetic thing standing between you, in the toilet, and the outside world and all it's freezing cold elements, is a thin sheet of cloth... apparently tacked over the opening to provide some privacy.
I don't even know why they bothered to put that stupid thing there. IT'S USELESS, PEOPLE. Okay, there might as well be nothing there because guess what??! When the wind blows, that thing FLAPS in the freaking breeze. I mean if you think about it, you might as well be standing butt-naked in the middle of your lawn at night, when the temperature's below 10 degress celsius, holding out a piece of cloth to fight the cold and hide your privates. That's pretty much what it is.

This cold weather crap should definitely be confined to holidays and holidays ONLY. I can honestly say that I have never made that big a fuss out of singapores hot weather. In fact, I liked being able to sweat cos' it made me feel like... cleansed inside-out, you know? Here on the other hand.... i mean it's like my sweat pores are dried up. And that's JUST NOT NATURAL.

And another thing. How do all these smug little melbournians EXERCISE??? I see them in their little running tights and caps and nonsense and they are jogging at like 8 freaking am, when the sun's just about out and there's still FROST on the windscreens of cars.

Whatever man. They can do whatever they want I'm just going to sit inside the cafes and sip some hot soymilk until that cut on my finger starts hurting again.

Gosh I'm so thoroughly "vented" that I can't even remember what the second peeve was...
Okay. So you know JY likes to get to school like EXCESSIVELY early in the morning right? Yea. That basically means that if i want to catch a ride from AF to the city in the morning, I have to leave the house at 7 am when my lessons only start at FREAKING NINE. And no, it does not take us two hours to get to the city by car. It's only half a darn hour. So I'm there at 7.30 am. And this wouldn't be so bad.... IF the shops were open and the weather wasnt so @#$%&* cold.

this family is nothing like our own.
i can't joke around.

or laugh
mainly because none of them are funny so there's nothing to laugh at anyway.

Like oh my gosh, the other day, sam and yvonne came over to visit and they were kind enough to knock on my room door and ask how i was. And i could totally just be myself around them and we were laughing and talking and stuff and suddenly AF comes out of the kitchen cos' we're making quite a bit of noise, and she's like "oh i hear laughing! i hardly hear gretl laugh." and when she said that i was like... oh man. that's so true i don't laugh around them... like EVER.
HA NO WONDER I'M getting so annoyed at everything these days!!! There's a total lack of funny in this place.



  1. Awww.... hope you get well soon! =)

  2. haha get well from what? o_O

  3. Wow man... I think you'd like it in SF. It's cold, yes, but not as cold. It's like something-teen degrees C, and it's usually super sunny outside, but the air is cool, so you still don't perspire (YAY.) unless you're exercising or sth.

  4. sayang, make sure you drink enough warm water everyday... that will help keep you warmer if not warm. and bathe early. love you!
