Friday, September 11, 2009

Yes I'm still alive

Oh my gosh sorry I haven't posted anything in like forever D8 ... or like, a week.

ANYWAY i'm sorry.
Good news is, today's the last day of term!!! Meaning that after my literature exam next Tuesday, I'll be FREE till like october. Which is so freakishly cool and awesome. There's like 4 terms in the course, and a break after each one. WHY NOT EMPLOY THE SAME SYSTEM, SINGAPORE???
Anyway yes, it is a beautiful thing. I mean how the australians are so laid back about work and school and stuff. Like on most days, the shops close by 5 o'clock because HELLO people have families to go home to. And even though I thought it was annoying and stupid at first, I'm really totally okay with it now. (A) People aren't biologically programmed to work 9 to 5 workdays, (B) People spend more time with their families, and (C) It stops me from spending.

But I digress. The reason I haven't been online much lately is, instead of having staggered deadlines all the stupid assignments were due this week, meaning I had to finish a truckload of work at basically the same time. There was an assignment for environment and development, psychology, english, literature and an essay test for history of ideas. And let me tell you, these assignments weren't fill-in-the-blanks type worksheets. For e&d, i had to drag my butt down to one of the suburbs near the melbourne cbd to take pictures and record stuff about the houses and architecture there. And psychology was a group presentation thing regarding ethical issues, which meant that I had to stay back in school a couple of times to meet up with my group members. F.Y.I. I HATE staying back in school for any reason at all. After my last lesson, I have to leave the site of learning or I will start to feel very very depressed. ANYWAY blah. It's all over now... YAY 8D and I feel like I hardly did anything. Which is ... bad.

OH okay. MAJOR updates on the weather here. So spring supposedly starts in september right? But the day before september 1st, like august 31st, it was so insanely cold I began to doubt the accuracy of that statement. BUT BUT!! The very next day, it was warm enough for me to break a sweat while walking to the train station D: Amazing.
So the weather has been weird. Like this is the weirdest it's been since I got here, cos some days it's really warm, and other days it's so cold my fingers turn bluish. Getting dressed in the morning isnt as simple as it was before. Also, the wind has picked up a lot. And when I say picked up, I mean reached speeds of epic proportions. It's not like a pleasant breeze or some crap. It's so annoyingly strong that I don't even bother brushing my hair in the morning. My hair looks like it needs to be tamed with a whip by the time I reach school.
Like okay. Yesterday, there wasn't much wind at all, but it was really really cold. Like winter cold, when there's a chill that goes right through you - even if you're wearing like a million layers of clothing. And then today, it was SUPER WINDY, but really warm. So like warm windy. Which is not a nice thing.

urhm i will stop here cos i've suddenly blanked and there's nothing i have to say. so... bye! (:




  1. HAHA YES! I've seen that vid before. ROFL!!!!

    And wow your term has ended, mine's like just started... D: -STRESSSSS-

  2. xDD failblog is the cooooliiiesst.
    LOL when's your term break? october?
