Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Still on holiday...

Here's a picture that will make vegetarians sing and carnivores weep.

That's right. Behold. A cabbage.
A cabbage of mammoth proportions.
The mother of all cabbages!!!
Seriously look at it. And look at the apple on the bottom left corner. I deliberately put that there to show you guys how massive the cabbage was. That's a pretty average sized apple, but it's totally dwarfed by that green ball of fibre. HAHAHA like imagine how overdosed you'd be on vitamin K if you ate the entire head yourself xDD

Seriously though, how in the world do they get their veggies to grow so huge! Is that... normal? I mean look at the freaking pee-wee cabbages we have in the hydroponics farms back home! Those at least look edible. Cos' I dont know about you, but when I buy my food I like to feel like eating it, not feel like it's about to eat me. So yeah. Good on you aussies, you've managed to grow large cruciferous vegetables, but... i'm just not going to touch any of them.

HAHAAH CAN you imagine not having a car and having to lug a bag of those cabbage heads home on the tram? MAN that's hilarious. You'd probably get a million stares and maybe a couple of "Breeding rabbits are we?" type comments. Hohoho.

Okay enough about the vegetables.
I've been watching talk shows on youtube, cos like, it's my holiday and everyone knows I love talk shows. So since there arent any good channels on tv with those types of programmes, i just watch them on the internet. woohoo!
Anyway, I just have one thing to say.
People with REAL problems don't go on talk shows to proclaim them to the world.
I mean really. It's kind of a sweeping statement, but it seems pretty accurate to me. Cos' there has to be some amount of voluntarism involved in their decision to appear on tv right. So it's just really hard for me to believe that they would consent to being PUBLICLY analysed by some celebrity if they were truly depressed or had some kind of eating disorder or drug addiction. Like come on... it's dumb. And these people claim to be suffering these conditions for years and years, and suddenly, after being psycho-analysed by someone who isn't even qualified to make assumptions about another persons mental state, their eyes are completely opened and they agree to do whatever the host tells them to do.
uh.. WHUT!?!!
I bet half the time they're just pressured to say yes because they're being questioned in front of all these people in the audience. And besides that... would you really be so willing to go public if you had a psychiatric problem??? It's just way too suspicious man. Srsly.
Talk show hosts should leave that kind of stuff to the professionals. There are probably a ton of psychs with proper degrees and PhDs and stuff watching the shows and going like, "Stop stealing our clients Oprah!!!" and like waving their academic certificates around wildly or something. But... whatever i guess. As long as the people who need help are being helped. HOHO what a politically-correct statement. Seriously though, the talk-show-host-intervention thing annoys me cos' it screams 'publicity stunt', but i'm not going to get into a huge debate about it or anything.

Okay parentals and sisters. It is time to stop. Blogging seems like such a self-centered activity to me... i don't know. It's like a couple of minutes of me writing about myself. I mean HOW MANY freaking times have I used some variation of the word "I" in this entry??? This post must endeth noweth D:


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