Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stray cats

I just had the privilege of watching a cat poop.
It dug a hole in the soil and did a cat-style squat over it... for a good 45 seconds or so. And I'm kind of embarrassed to say that I was totally mesmerised. The cat didn't see me though; which is probably the only reason why it took a dump so calmly. I think mesh covered windows are probably kinda like tinted windows - you can't really look through them clearly.

I haven't yet mentioned that Melbourne is lacking in the stray-cat department.
There are like ZERO-ish stray cats around, which is interesting since they're so prevalent in Singapore. So yes, when I do see a cat jump over the fence from my room, it's pretty exciting.



  1. Ooohh!!! I also saw the same thing as you, when I was younger, at church, in the playground, when they still had the swings! :(

  2. oh what the. i didnt realise they dont have the swings anymore.
