Thursday, September 17, 2009

Today nothing happened.

Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do over the next 2 weeks.
It's kind of hard planning to relax as much as possible without letting myself revert back to the inactivity of 3 months ago. Plus plus, I'm planning to entertain myself on a budget. So like no fancy theme park visits or therapeutic spa sessions if you know what i mean.

It's still kind of cold these days, but not so cold that i have to shut the window and switch on the heater. I can actually leave the window open all night without waking up to find icicles hanging from my lashes.
Downside to the weather getting warmer would definitely be the bugs. They're ALIVE. And if I leave my window open, they find their way through the mosquito-mesh-net thingy and start flying around the table lamp... which is ANNOYING. They're easy to kill cos they're all slow and probably drowsy from hibernation or something, but there are so freaking many of them. And they're not quite big enough for me to be super annoyed with them, so when i see one i usually just ignore it but then they start accummulating and accummulating and i get pissed.

Anyway. I'm really started to like avocado. (and haha i just realised i went from talking about bugs to talking about food.) Like it's seriously nice. I mean I've never liked butter all that much, but i can see why it's called the butter-fruit in Chinese. U.C.H. told me that. It's kind of tasteless... but not exactly, if you know what i mean. Texture-wise it's all creamy like durian flesh, except without the pungent smell.

By the way I think I heard a gunshot on Sunday night. Which is both scary and exciting. Well... it's probably only exciting cos I heard it from afar, like in the comfort of this room, HOHO.
If I was actually at the scene I dont think I would've thought it was "exciting" at all.
