Thursday, October 1, 2009

Liesl: Need More Time!

Analysis of Form: Drapery

This Thursday is the last day we get to work on our drapery drawing in class.

Been really REALLY busy this week. Haven't had time to relax much. Always up and about, if not at lessons then in the labs, if not in the labs then in the apartment doing assignments and stuff. Good thing I didn't take a fifth class pa.

And now, on top of everything, I have to juggle cooking, laundry, grocery shopping and all that as well. Not that I see them as chores, but they do take up time, and time is something I'm in sore need of. D:

Just yesterday I was in the stop motion lab working on my paper cutout animation. I think I messed it up, and I was in a rush because it was getting late so I didn't bother redoing. It's not terribly bad or anything, I'd just expected to do better. =(

It's due on Friday, but I don't have time to fuss over it anymore because today I have to work on my 3D modeling assignment, and tomorrow after drawing class I have to go out and take pictures for my photo assignment.

On a brighter note, I'm still enjoying what I do, so it's all good. =)

MA AND PA WHERE ARE THE TWO OF YOU? D: I only see Gretl and Jonyl posting in this blog. =P

I've been putting tartar sauce in my pasta sauce. It's weird. +_+

Anyway I have to go now. Gonna rent a camera for tomorrow then go down to Target and get a few work-related/ necessary items for my room.

And then start on my 3D assignment.


  1. whoa your schedule is freaking packed!
    my week is a lot less condensed, and the only reason i have to rush about and am in need of more time is because i spend hours travelling around.
    MAKE SURE YOU SLEEP EARLY. ahah.. no late night games for you.

    lol i was just about to make the same comment about ma and pa being mia on this blog! XD

    AND OMGOSH did you draw that??? i was totally awestruck by your drawing that i almost didnt see the rest of the entry! IT'S SO REAL!!!! 8DDDDD i bet you had the best work in class muarhar.

    you can totally see the texture of the cloth and i love the little threads you drew on the fraying bit of the cloth. SO GOOD.

  2. You mean you're supposed to draw that drape?
    WOW! I can't wait to see how you draw it! :)

  3. no that's chehs drawing you dooop :DD

  4. AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SO NICE!

  5. Sayang, pa and ma thought the drape was real. Praise God for your good piece of drawing!! really good. love you all sayangs!!! ♥♥♥
