Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I realised that I haven't put up any photos of my room here. So... here.

AGHHH!!! I thought I was the neat one.

It's tragic that the bedspreads disgust me so much.
As you might be able to see, there are Carebear prints all over my blanket... and they're not even the real things. Some businessman in China probably decided to mass produce these covers without buying the rights to do it, so in order to avoid a law suit he had all the bears printed in these screwed up colours like fuchsia and pus-yellow.
These are the sort of bedspreads i swore i would NEVER buy... not even for my kids, if i have any. WHY can't she buy bedsheets in plain, solid colours??? For pete's sake. They're not that expensive. And I mean, if she really wanted to get bedsheets with cartoon prints she should have bought like... the "genuine articles". Like remember our old Lion King sheets? They were the real deal. The lions were golden brown and the leaves in the bushes were green... EVERYTHING WAS AS IT SHOULD BE. Simba didn't have a random purple eyeball, or like, blue teeth.
If I get an apartment, ALL of my bedsheets are going to be in safe, warm, SOLID colours.

Obviously I have trouble getting to my computer keyboard.
Typing without knocking over any of the objects is a real challenge.

I need more wardrobe space.

more laayyyttteeerrrrrhh :D
school's started. so has daylight savings
f.y.i. i'm now THREE hours ahead of singapore and EIGHTEEN ahead of san francisco.



  1. Come 1 November, San Francisco time will be adjusted one hour later, and the time difference between melbourne & san francisco will be 19 hours!!!

  2. Issit??? I didn't know San Francisco would adjust their time too. O_O

    Living in a country with seasons is so complicated. -_-

  3. wow.

    that's annoying D8<
