Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'm good.

She apologised.

And although this will make me sound like a childish yoohoo, i will say it because I know every other human being in his/her rightful mind would be thinking it if they were in a situation similar to mine.


BROUHAHAHAHAHA. Okay no. NO lar no lar... i do not win. Cos seriously what do i gain? Other than total satisfaction that she has acknowledged her faults and wrongdoings and has requested that I excuse her previous actions? Nothing at all I tell you, nothing at all.

Okay but seriously la. She really did apologise. She said she was sorry and that this was just "her style" so she didnt mean any harm in doing the things she did. So yes. I'm alright with her... for now D8

ANYWAY. I'm beginning to realise that the people here might not be as nice as I thought. I mean the ASIAN people by the way... actually no, not just the asian people. The people in trinity, who are not confined to asian nationalities, but in fact, come from places in the UK, Columbia, Peru and South Africa. Yeah... They're not that nice. The Australians, in comparison, are WAY nicer. WAY. Like way Way WAy WAY. GOSH. What is wrong with people these days??? Is it so hard to be cordial and polite and have manners????? SERIOUSLY. I mean don't get me wrong, i haven't made any enemies or anything, but I'm not going to get all warm and fuzzy with any of the people here any time soon. We do not connect. Or maybe, not yet. I hope not yet. Seriously.

Right well I have to sleep now. My eyelids are heavy and the bed beckons.



  1. What made her apologise? She knew you were upset with her? =O

  2. LOL i guess so! i mean like i said, i didnt hide it much. D:
