Saturday, July 11, 2009


The Rules.

#1. Rules apply to Jonyl.
#2. Jonyl must do her school homework on time. i.e. Before it's due.
#3. Jonyl must practise her piano regularly.
#4. Jonyl must complete all tuition homework on time. (Refer to #2)
#5. Jonyl must do some amount of revision regularly. Particularly her maths. She has an assessment book and is required to do as many questions as possible. i.e. Completing only one page is unacceptable. Even more so if the only page she attempted contains simple/"fun"-type questions like drawing symmetrical shapes.
#6. Should Jonyl want to play a computer game, the following criteria must be met:
- Numbers 1 through 5 of The Rules list.
Furthermore she is to be closely monitored by a reliable party.
#7. Jonyl must not play computer games unnecessarily/everyday.
#8. Jonyl is not allowed to play computer games for more than 30 minutes a day. No grace period. Any amount of time exceeded is to be deducted from her next computer usage allowance.
#9. Jonyl is permitted to use the computer for school purposes. i.e. Online assessments, school homework, e-learning crap.
#10. Jonyl must declare all intended online activities prior to the actual usage of the computer. She will then only be allowed to carry out the specified activities. If she is found doing any other activities, her actions will be deemed intentional offences. Severe punishment will be dealt*.

*Severe punishment may consist of one or more of the following:
- Confiscation of toys. e.g. Tamagotchi, Candy the build-a-bear bear... etc.
- Total denial of computer usage. Including usage for academic purposes.
- A strict ban of any form of entertainment. e.g. TV, Movies, Drawing, Talking on the phone... etc.
- Offender must complete 30 pages of maths problem sums from her assessment book. No allowances/exceptions/excuses. Questions are preferably those marked with an asterisk (*). No sleep/meals until all questions are completed CORRECTLY.

Should you have any queries, please contact ME THE NAZI, or submit a comment with your name, age and enquiry.


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