Friday, July 31, 2009

Can I have a hammy please..... :) ???

Can I please have a hammy??? I can give up to have a hand phone for this year for the hammy.
If I am allowed to have a hammy, (Hamsters like Pouchy give out a smell, but not all hamsters give out smells you know? My friend kept hamsters before and she said that she can't smell a thing!) I will clean the cage, ( but auntie Florence has to do the washing because my hands cannot soak in soap detergent for too long! Otherwise my hands will start getting rough) but I will refill the water, bathe the hamster in the sand box and feed it too! Please?!, I will name the GIRL hamster Clover. :)

P.S.( Even Cheh(2x) said hamsters are cute! :) )


  1. hamsters eat their babies. did you know that?

  2. And they only live for like 2 years. D:
