Sunday, July 26, 2009

i need to slap someone

8D Yay updates from home.

Cheh the stalker incident is as follows... and i didn't get the chance to tell you about it cos you haven't been online! D8

I wanted to do some exploring of the area on Wednesday, since I didn't have to go to school. (My subject combination rocks) The last time I tried to walk home from the train station i had to walk by the main road the entire time, because i wasn't familiar with the inner lanes, and i hated it because there was a lot of traffic and therefore a lot of pollution.

Anyway, i made up my mind to go scouting on my free day in the hopes of finding some park connector type thing that leads to the train station from this house. I started walking out at 2pm and spent an hour walking about on "wrong" routes. And by "wrong" I mean routes that don't lead me to the station... they're nice trails, they just don't get me to where i wanna go.

Okay so after about an hour I started on this new path that wasn't properly paved. It wasn't gravel-ly like the other paths, it was soil-y and dirt path-y. Very hike-ish... if you can understand what i'm saying at all. Anyway against my better judgment I decided to follow the trail and see if it led to the main road eventually... like a super secret shortcut or some nonsense.

I ended up walking for a LONG time.. like hours. okay, maybe one and a half hours. but it was LONG. and the trail started to go really deep into this forest, and I couldn't see any buildings, main roads, or man-made structures. I might have been hiking to paya for all i could see.
So yes, dense forests, plus no signs of human-life, plus being alone = the beginning of obvious problems. I was started to get a little creeped out by the lonesome natureyness of the place. I mean don't get me wrong, i would pick bushes over buildings any day. It was just too darn quiet for my liking.

So yes. I walked and walked and was trying to look out for a clearing/the exit, which was no where in sight... when i started to hear this incessant chattering. It got louder and louder, and it became obvious that it was a human voice coming from behind me. I turned around and saw a man walking a couple of metres away, looking at me and gesticulating. I mean at first i thought he was hiking with a friend and they were talking, but it was just the two of us. He could see me and i could see him. And clearly, he was either drunk or insane.

Now i'm really scared of course. I'm goodness-knows how many miles away from the main road, i'm alone, and there's a crazy man following me. I mean he could've just run up to me and stabbed me and no one would have seen or heard or anything. I just turned back around and continued walking... even though i was FREAKING OUT. And i started praying in sentences only God would understand (I'm being totally serious). I was like whispering this prayer, i think it was like "God please help" or something like that. And I just kept walking and walking and PRAYING LIKE I HAVE NEVER PRAYED BEFORE. The second time i looked back, he was still following me, but he hadn't advanced any further. He still maintained the same distance he had from me when i first saw him. So i continued walking and PRAYING... and i think from behind i looked pretty calm. But from the front. Goodness. If only i had snapped a polaroid of my face then. I probably looked like D8

Okay. Well i'm alive now so obviously nothing happened. But I'm telling you, it is only thanks to God that he went away. Yeah he just abruptly stopped following me. the third time i looked back, he was gone. Only then did i start this mad sprint... which might have been totally useless if the end of the trail was still hundreds of kilometres away. But yes, another miracle. After i started sprinting I began to see traces of a building from behind the trees. and then i saw the opening of the forest and headed out.

I mean come on! there's no reason why he shouldnt have attacked me.. we were all alone! Thank God i tell you.

By the way ma, i thought i told you not to say anything about this to aunty F?
why can't you resist telling!! you ah.

anyway. now that i have recorded this milestone, i will say that i am feeling miserable today. i miss home and people from home. the tourist phase has officially passed and i'm starting to realise there are more inconveniences to this place than i first noticed. plus the fact that i'm living with a psycho doesn't really help.
okay okay i'm sorry. i had my rant and i'll probably have more, but yes. it is disrespectful, i'll admit that. but i won't apologise for it or say that i wish i hadn't said all that stuff. because i still freaking mean every single word i said. i just know it's rude, that's all.

OKAY BYE. it's late and i have to wake up at freaking 6am because my crazy cousin likes getting to school an hour early.



  1. Yikes that's super freaky. You're insane. I can't believe you walked for hours. If you were lazy like me, you wouldn't have had any such problems.

    HAHA just kidding.

    Anyway, you have Wednesdays free too?? So do I!! =D Awesomeness. LOL! I think that should be like... my long bath + laundry day.

  2. sayang, ma didn't mention anything about this incident to...
    love you
