Friday, July 31, 2009

Can I have a hammy please..... :) ???

Can I please have a hammy??? I can give up to have a hand phone for this year for the hammy.
If I am allowed to have a hammy, (Hamsters like Pouchy give out a smell, but not all hamsters give out smells you know? My friend kept hamsters before and she said that she can't smell a thing!) I will clean the cage, ( but auntie Florence has to do the washing because my hands cannot soak in soap detergent for too long! Otherwise my hands will start getting rough) but I will refill the water, bathe the hamster in the sand box and feed it too! Please?!, I will name the GIRL hamster Clover. :)

P.S.( Even Cheh(2x) said hamsters are cute! :) )

Liesl: Artistic Orientation

Okay, I've fixed the time settings. It's following Singapore time now, so Grett's you're about 2 hours ahead, and later when I go to SF I'll be about 15 hours behind. -_-

Anyway, I've received my orientation schedule! Turns out it's not just one day after all. It starts on the 28th of August and ends on the 7th of September. O_o Classes begin in between, on the 3rd.

Check out the events:

Academy Movie Night
- Enjoy a private screening with fellow students
- Free popcorn and drinks

Academy Scavenger Hunt
- Interactive team-building event showcasing Academy of of Art University resources and buildings
- Win prizes!

Parents’ Reception with the President (=o Pa!)
- Meet President Elisa Stephens and successful Academy of Art University Alumni

SF Picture Perfect Walking Tour (o_o)
- Bring a camera, sketchpad, drawing supplies, and hit the streets of SF!

NCAA Pep Rally Picnic sponsored by Academy Recreational Sports Department
- Meet and greet athletes and coaches
- Men and Women’s Mixed Basketball and Skate demos
- Open basketball game

Housing Orientations
- 8:00pm - 9:00pm In Your Residence Hall

Get Ready, Get Set!
- Trips to Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond
- Get your art supplies at Utrecht

International Student Orientation (D:)
(Required for all International Students)
- Role call of countries
- Important travel/student Visa information

New Student Welcome Reception
- Meet and greet club leaders, Academy of Art University support staff and fellow students

President’s Undergraduate Orientation
- Meet President Elisa Stephens, Directors and fellow students in your program

Meet your Art Department Director & Luncheon
- Get your supplies list and see demonstration
- Curriculum overview
- Join roundtable discussions

Ultra City Tour
- Guided bus tour of beautiful San Francisco!
- The tour will stop at Utrecht for you to purchase your art supplies

Drawing Workshop (o_o)
- Draw costumed models; enter raffles!
- Bring your art supplies: drawing board,18 x 24 newsprint pad, charcoal and pencils, a kneaded eraser, pencil sharpener and a sandpaper pad

C.A.S.E. Party & Speed Meet at Jillian’s
- Make new friends and let your hair down!
- DJ, dancing, pool tables, and food

Academy of Art University at the Zoo (o_o)
- Draw and photograph your favorite animals
- Games, BBQ and prizes!

Culture: San Francisco Style
- Connect with your new friends while exploring local cultural hot spots

Monday in Sausalito
- Ferry ride to world-famous Sausalito Art Festival


This has got to be the most artistic orientation I've ever been to.

Scaryyy!!! D:

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'm good.

She apologised.

And although this will make me sound like a childish yoohoo, i will say it because I know every other human being in his/her rightful mind would be thinking it if they were in a situation similar to mine.


BROUHAHAHAHAHA. Okay no. NO lar no lar... i do not win. Cos seriously what do i gain? Other than total satisfaction that she has acknowledged her faults and wrongdoings and has requested that I excuse her previous actions? Nothing at all I tell you, nothing at all.

Okay but seriously la. She really did apologise. She said she was sorry and that this was just "her style" so she didnt mean any harm in doing the things she did. So yes. I'm alright with her... for now D8

ANYWAY. I'm beginning to realise that the people here might not be as nice as I thought. I mean the ASIAN people by the way... actually no, not just the asian people. The people in trinity, who are not confined to asian nationalities, but in fact, come from places in the UK, Columbia, Peru and South Africa. Yeah... They're not that nice. The Australians, in comparison, are WAY nicer. WAY. Like way Way WAy WAY. GOSH. What is wrong with people these days??? Is it so hard to be cordial and polite and have manners????? SERIOUSLY. I mean don't get me wrong, i haven't made any enemies or anything, but I'm not going to get all warm and fuzzy with any of the people here any time soon. We do not connect. Or maybe, not yet. I hope not yet. Seriously.

Right well I have to sleep now. My eyelids are heavy and the bed beckons.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


What in the world is wrong with the time settings in blogger??
I posted that last entry at 11:44 pm, but it says 6:24 am in the blog. I have no idea what time will appear on this one, but it's like 11:47 pm here now.


Woe to the woman destined to be annoying.

Just when I thought she wasn't going to be an annoying freak today, she does something freakishly annoying.

I guess the only reason I thought she was being alright today was because I hardly saw/spoke to her in the morning and I was out all day 'til 8pm. I mean gosh. Only someone truly irritating could fulfil a days worth of annoyingness in just 3 hours.

Which of course begs the question... Is she simply destined to be an annoying piece of crap for her entire life?
What a sad old woman.

Oh well. Such retardacy is beneath the average human being. And although I am in fact, bordering on a less-than-average on the universal scale of normalcy, I have to say that she is probably far, FAR across on the other side... under the column marked "Caution: Extraordinarily Irritating". Which makes her being beneath me.

I shall try to remain as calm and indifferent to her as possible. Simply because I am taking advantage of her offer, which I'm sure she now regrets making, and basically living as a freeloader in her house. Yes, this shall be my ultimate revenge. I will not financially burden-ise my parents as a result of her numerous faults. I will endure the crap that is she, and in doing so, prepare myself for future encounters with annoying freaks. Surely none that follow will be as irksome as she is, and therefore, having experienced the worst, I shall be ready for ANYTHING.

So, LWNE.Q., this is your punishment. Until you learn the etiquette that deems you socially acceptable, I shall continue to stay in your house and eat your food and have your resources at my disposal. I will take long showers and leave my room heaters on for as long as I wish. Or maybe not because the environment will suffer. Instead, I will eat your food as I please and show my disgust at your sense of propriety, or lack thereof.

Long live E.Q.!!!


Monday, July 27, 2009

Liesl: Blog Comments

Kay people, I don't know if any of you noticed, but commenting on this blog was kind of an inconvenient task, what with all that "OpenID" nonsense.

But fret not, I've gone into the settings section and removed it! So now commenting should be much less of a hassle. =)

So basically, now you comment like this:
(For the benefit of those who do not know. D:)

- Click on "comments" at the bottom of the entry.

- Under "Select profile..." choose "Name/URL".

- Fill in your name. URL is not necessary.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

i need to slap someone

8D Yay updates from home.

Cheh the stalker incident is as follows... and i didn't get the chance to tell you about it cos you haven't been online! D8

I wanted to do some exploring of the area on Wednesday, since I didn't have to go to school. (My subject combination rocks) The last time I tried to walk home from the train station i had to walk by the main road the entire time, because i wasn't familiar with the inner lanes, and i hated it because there was a lot of traffic and therefore a lot of pollution.

Anyway, i made up my mind to go scouting on my free day in the hopes of finding some park connector type thing that leads to the train station from this house. I started walking out at 2pm and spent an hour walking about on "wrong" routes. And by "wrong" I mean routes that don't lead me to the station... they're nice trails, they just don't get me to where i wanna go.

Okay so after about an hour I started on this new path that wasn't properly paved. It wasn't gravel-ly like the other paths, it was soil-y and dirt path-y. Very hike-ish... if you can understand what i'm saying at all. Anyway against my better judgment I decided to follow the trail and see if it led to the main road eventually... like a super secret shortcut or some nonsense.

I ended up walking for a LONG time.. like hours. okay, maybe one and a half hours. but it was LONG. and the trail started to go really deep into this forest, and I couldn't see any buildings, main roads, or man-made structures. I might have been hiking to paya for all i could see.
So yes, dense forests, plus no signs of human-life, plus being alone = the beginning of obvious problems. I was started to get a little creeped out by the lonesome natureyness of the place. I mean don't get me wrong, i would pick bushes over buildings any day. It was just too darn quiet for my liking.

So yes. I walked and walked and was trying to look out for a clearing/the exit, which was no where in sight... when i started to hear this incessant chattering. It got louder and louder, and it became obvious that it was a human voice coming from behind me. I turned around and saw a man walking a couple of metres away, looking at me and gesticulating. I mean at first i thought he was hiking with a friend and they were talking, but it was just the two of us. He could see me and i could see him. And clearly, he was either drunk or insane.

Now i'm really scared of course. I'm goodness-knows how many miles away from the main road, i'm alone, and there's a crazy man following me. I mean he could've just run up to me and stabbed me and no one would have seen or heard or anything. I just turned back around and continued walking... even though i was FREAKING OUT. And i started praying in sentences only God would understand (I'm being totally serious). I was like whispering this prayer, i think it was like "God please help" or something like that. And I just kept walking and walking and PRAYING LIKE I HAVE NEVER PRAYED BEFORE. The second time i looked back, he was still following me, but he hadn't advanced any further. He still maintained the same distance he had from me when i first saw him. So i continued walking and PRAYING... and i think from behind i looked pretty calm. But from the front. Goodness. If only i had snapped a polaroid of my face then. I probably looked like D8

Okay. Well i'm alive now so obviously nothing happened. But I'm telling you, it is only thanks to God that he went away. Yeah he just abruptly stopped following me. the third time i looked back, he was gone. Only then did i start this mad sprint... which might have been totally useless if the end of the trail was still hundreds of kilometres away. But yes, another miracle. After i started sprinting I began to see traces of a building from behind the trees. and then i saw the opening of the forest and headed out.

I mean come on! there's no reason why he shouldnt have attacked me.. we were all alone! Thank God i tell you.

By the way ma, i thought i told you not to say anything about this to aunty F?
why can't you resist telling!! you ah.

anyway. now that i have recorded this milestone, i will say that i am feeling miserable today. i miss home and people from home. the tourist phase has officially passed and i'm starting to realise there are more inconveniences to this place than i first noticed. plus the fact that i'm living with a psycho doesn't really help.
okay okay i'm sorry. i had my rant and i'll probably have more, but yes. it is disrespectful, i'll admit that. but i won't apologise for it or say that i wish i hadn't said all that stuff. because i still freaking mean every single word i said. i just know it's rude, that's all.

OKAY BYE. it's late and i have to wake up at freaking 6am because my crazy cousin likes getting to school an hour early.


Beary Good Time There

Hi Zicheh,
I hope you are having a beary good time in Australia right now! :)
Are you fine? Remember when I jumped down the whole flight of
stairs because of the stupid cockroach!? HAHAAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Jonyl

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Liesl: Wild Wild Wet

LOL Gretts that's not really foreseeing, that's more like experiencing liao. @_@

Eh... I'm sunburnt again. This time because the Treants and friends and I went to Wild Wild Wet! =D

It was pretty awesome. I FINALLY got the chance to try the Slide Up ride (with Drea xD)! You know... the one that's like... lemme look for a pic.


Argh, can't find one. It's this ride. The picture there is inaccurate. The float is supposed to be blue and you're supposed to be seated facing each other, so one person slides down backwards at the start.

I couldn't try it all the other times we went cuz no one wanted to sit it with me. =((((

LOL anywayyy... After Wild Wild Wet I went to Amanda's Bon Voyage Party, cuz she's leaving for USA soon too!

I think I blended in pretty well with my friends there. They were red-faced because of the alcoholic drinks, I was red-faced because I AM BURNT. (No Ma and Pa, I didn't drink. I had fruit punch and bottled water instead. Not that there's anything wrong with me drinking a little because I am, after all, 21. =x)

Ms. Grace (my lecturer from NYP) was at the party and I talked to her about AAU and San Francisco and stuff, cuz she studied there before. She knows Kor Melvin! =)

I'm sooo tired today. +_+ Full day out! Since morning! Cuz there was worship prac at 10am. Now my legs are aching from all that swimming exercise in the "Tsunami Pool" and "Shiok River". -.-

But yay! I actually DID some exercise! =D -Flexes leg muscles-

Okay, it's getting late, and I have to wake up early tomorrow for church since I'm on singing duty. I shall sign off now! =o


EDIT: Karty helped me find a photo of the Slide Up ride!

Here's a video of some random pair riding it on youtube:

Awesomeness! xD

I foresee conflict.

Ma has deemed this entire entry to be inappropriate for public viewing.


A flying person


I just looked out my window and saw a word written in the sky!! 8D
I've never seen anything like that before! I mean, only in movies, but that doesnt really count.
Shucks. If i'd looked out a little earlier i might have been able to catch the plane in the process of "writing" it. But oh well... it's STILL COOL >8D
The word was 'sduner', in case you were wondering. I don't know what that means.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Liesl: No Toilet Paper!

We ran out of toilet paper and I don't know if anyone's gone and bought new rolls yet.

I'm currently using a kitchen roll. -Have a feeling I'm going to get in trouble for this- D:



I just transferred all the public entries from livejournal to here. SAY THANK YOU D8<

And now i'm waiting for cheh to respond to my msn msgs so i can show her the freakin' boots!!
They're freakin' awesome in my opinion. I think i did a freakin' good job, if i do say so myself. I should be a freakin' personal shopper. I should also stop using the word freakin'.

Tonight is the first of many lonely nights to come (expect me to write a melancholic song about this soon) because ma has returned to the land of the rising sun migrant workers. Tomorrow will either be a painfully lame or surprisingly fun day... because it is the day of the group performances. And we all know how asian people are with those things D:

FYI, the insects are pathetic here. Apparently they all come out of hiding in summer, but for now they are not only scarce, they are also lethargic and slow. I haven't seen many bugs since i arrived, just the odd fly (tiny ones. they look more like mosquitos actually) here and there. And I don't even have to do the stealth-ninja attack when i swat them. I can literally grab the bugs and squish them in slow mo. Sad things. They're so vulnerable in winter... >8D

Err... nothing else to say except I probably have to eat stale bread for the next 5 months to make up for the amount of money i've spent in July alone. Dang it i have spending issues. I'm seriously serious when i say this is all the shopping-i-could-have-been-doing-while-in hiding-for-six-months, being unleased in a matter of weeks. About three weeks maybe.
So pa... divide my expenditure for this month by 7, and the pinch may not be as pinchy...
by the way i saw another pair of BEAUTIFUL flats in westfield mall.

Does pa even read this blog????

HMPH. i'm peeved!

okay BYE.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm a weary soul.

UGHHHH I'm so tired I can't even remember what I wanted to post.

A few days ago I was getting ready to type an entry when the connection dropped... so I said "FORGET IT!!!!" and went to bed. Stupid unpredictable internet. THE INTERNET IS DUMB I AM NEVER USING IT AGAIN! *uses internet again*

Okay uh... here's the stuff: Orientation is for TWO WEEKS D8
First day we had registration, official welcome and tour of the university.
Second day we had intro lectures to the subjects, plus subject selection after. (I AM NOT TAKING MATHS. 8D HUZZAH.)
Third day, i.e. today, we had boring nonsense more talks about stuff we already know.
By the way cheh, ma and i saw this long green shirt and ma wanted to get it for you. She actually picked it out cos it wass green and she thought i'd like it, but i kinda thought of you when i saw the shirt. The shape of it is similar to the one you got from topshop/zara... the black one with the giant face of a girl with glasses. Anyway ma was like, "oh, i thought of you when i saw green" and i was like "oh, yeah i like green! but i don't like the design." There was a big face of a black panther of it btw. So yeah, are you interested cheh? I mean, interested in the shirt? Cos yeah, just cos i wouldn't buy it doesnt mean you won't like it.

GAH i haven't got my timetable yet, but i will post it when i get it. Err... OKAY YEAH GUESS WHAT I HAVE JAPANESE FRIENDS. HOW AWESOME IS THAT.
Hahaha and they're so cute and soft spoken and polite. and they're all born in 1990!! But they look decades younger than I do.... which says a lot about the difference in environment between Japan and Singapore.
Or it just says a lot about how old and gross i look.
Oh yeah, there are 25 Singaporeans in the trinity course. Out of 100plusplus students in the college. I have met... 1, 2, three.. four... 5......
FIVE singaporeans so far. Pathetic i know. But uh... i guess singaporeans don't really put themselves out there and socialise. Anyway most of the trinity students are asian, so there isn't much socialising at all D: SAD SHIIET.
OH BUT THERE ARE like one or two students from the odd western country. Like there's a girl from peru and a guy from... jamaica?? hahah he has the accent, so i think he is. COOL EH. I am determined to be his friend. I must have at least one black friend!!
Err... yeah. tomorrow is some excursion to SCIENCE WORKS. HAHA like primary school. excursion. HEH. Ick i hope it's fun and interesting. Anything science related gives me the fits right now... i wonder when this phase will pass D8
Ma just ate some dark chocolate kitkat. I WISH I COULD HAVE SOME TOO! D8 I also wish ma and i had more time to go out. HA. Gosh i can't believe i still think i'm a tourist... I AM NOT A TOURIST MAN. I IS HERE TO STARDYY. I want to go to the cadbury chocolate factory (insert crying face here)!!! Pa, if trinity ever calls to say that i am missing from school, you know where to find me. I will be in the happiest possible place on earth - the cadbury chocolate factory.
Okay you know what i really have to taake a dump right nw. the good news is that my bowel movements have not ceased to function. i am still as regular ans i was before. and of course this is information you dont want to know. okay i got to go now bye. sorry for the massive amount of typo errors and crap but who cares. okay bye later see you. eat your veggies and be as regular aas me.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Liesl To Gretl

So how? Did you receive any email? D:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The rules


From: Jonyl

Saturday, July 11, 2009


The Rules.

#1. Rules apply to Jonyl.
#2. Jonyl must do her school homework on time. i.e. Before it's due.
#3. Jonyl must practise her piano regularly.
#4. Jonyl must complete all tuition homework on time. (Refer to #2)
#5. Jonyl must do some amount of revision regularly. Particularly her maths. She has an assessment book and is required to do as many questions as possible. i.e. Completing only one page is unacceptable. Even more so if the only page she attempted contains simple/"fun"-type questions like drawing symmetrical shapes.
#6. Should Jonyl want to play a computer game, the following criteria must be met:
- Numbers 1 through 5 of The Rules list.
Furthermore she is to be closely monitored by a reliable party.
#7. Jonyl must not play computer games unnecessarily/everyday.
#8. Jonyl is not allowed to play computer games for more than 30 minutes a day. No grace period. Any amount of time exceeded is to be deducted from her next computer usage allowance.
#9. Jonyl is permitted to use the computer for school purposes. i.e. Online assessments, school homework, e-learning crap.
#10. Jonyl must declare all intended online activities prior to the actual usage of the computer. She will then only be allowed to carry out the specified activities. If she is found doing any other activities, her actions will be deemed intentional offences. Severe punishment will be dealt*.

*Severe punishment may consist of one or more of the following:
- Confiscation of toys. e.g. Tamagotchi, Candy the build-a-bear bear... etc.
- Total denial of computer usage. Including usage for academic purposes.
- A strict ban of any form of entertainment. e.g. TV, Movies, Drawing, Talking on the phone... etc.
- Offender must complete 30 pages of maths problem sums from her assessment book. No allowances/exceptions/excuses. Questions are preferably those marked with an asterisk (*). No sleep/meals until all questions are completed CORRECTLY.

Should you have any queries, please contact ME THE NAZI, or submit a comment with your name, age and enquiry.


Thank you you (Another incomprehensible post from Jonyl. -gretl)

Hello Mama and Zicheh,

Thank you Mama
Thank you Zicheh
Zicheh, uhhh the.....

Friday, July 10, 2009

there is wireless.

THERE IS!!! muaharharhar! :D
Hello my happy family. Ma and i (and our three oversized luggages) have arrived safely in Melbourne.
Everything is in order. Yes.
And here is the rundown of today's events.

8 am-ish. (or 9, i can't remember.) (nor do i care.) We arrive in Melbourne airport after a 7 hour flight. (or 8, i can't remember.) (nor do i care.)
The flight was good. Occasional turbulence, but other than that, everything went as it should. Oh, and the plane was pretty empty - the middle row next to ours was COMPLETELY vacant. Just as ma and i were plucking up the courage to go over and lie down across the seats, a big burly guy with a beard walked down the aisle and, spotting the empty row, sat down and claimed the space his territory. Ma and i were petrified.
Fortunately no one booked the third seat in our row, so ma lay down over the two seats closest to the window and slept, while i sat in the one next to the aisle and watched 17 again on the mini tv screen. (Which was so painfully small and close to my face. After the boy sitting in front of me lowered his seat, my nose was about an inch away from zac efron's. Not as pleasant as it sounds.)
I left the plane cross-eyed.
The flight attendant also spilt cold water all over me.


Okay that one was actually my fault.

Anyway, after arriving, Uncle CH and Cheh R* (*Names have been changed to protect their identity) met us at the airport. Apparently Cheh R had to go for her driver's license test at 10.30, so she drove us to the driving centre and we waited while she took her test. Of course, graced by our presence, she passed.
HAHA no. We were praying for her while waiting LAH.

Errrrhh... we did some other crap but i forgot. Anyway it's mostly boring stuff like VISA application and nonsense like that.

The room i'm given is really cute. I'll upload photographs asap! And provided Uncle CH and Aunty F are okay with it. I mean they should be right? It's like free advertising for real estate... if... you know, they plan to sell the house anytime soon... which is.. something they don't intend to do. I guess. So don't get any ideas PEOPLE.

I've unpacked everything and hung up all my garments and arranged all my shoes in neat rows. So i'm feeling pretty darn good about myself now. 8D After ma and I washed up (Note to self: Do not hog toilet), Aunty F and Uncle CH had some guests over for dinner, and we had a good time! Eating and talking. THIS IS TO CHEH: we were wrong. JY can talk and smile. D8 And if you can't figure out who JY is i will slap you. Oh wait, maybe I didnt get the initials right. So if you didn't get JY, then it's C. C!!!!!!!1

Anyway it's like almost 2 am now (WHAT THE IT'S 2 AM!!!??) and ma and i are sitting in the room doing stuff.
Quick Fact : Ma is wearing a total of 5 layers on top, plus a scarf, and three layers on the bottom. I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

Footnotes: Ma's top layer consists of a tank top, long johns, black polyester vest, white fleece, polyester jacket and a cream muffler. Bottom layer consists of pantyhose, long johns and jeans.



Hi! (Jonyl)

Hi everyone!

I miss you two already!!!

Please come back now.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Liesl: Are You There Yet???

Hey Ma and Gretts!! How was the flight!??! Hope there were good movies to watch! xD

So... QUICK! If you haven't already, go ask Uncle Chee Heng (is that how it's spelt?) to get WIRELESS!!!!!!!!!!

And Gretl! Gimme your Clover Lucky facebook password so I can help change your account settings and make it your REAL facebook account!!!!!!!!!!!

Missing you two like crazy already. +_+

Um Gretts, could you like, list the stuff I need to make sure Jonyl does, cuz currently I have no idea.

MUAHAHAR Jonyl! >=)

Okay, at this point I realise the two of you haven't even left Singapore yet, since your flight's been "re-timed" to 11pm.

But I'm blogging now because I'm afraid I won't wake up on time to blog tmr before the two of you reach Australia!! D:

So yes. This is the entry. :D

Aiight, I'll sign off now. Do update with your own entries!! =)

Much love,

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Liesl: Hello!

Hi all!! Liesl here!

So this shall be our family blog, which we shall update regularly to keep each other posted!

Jojo and I picked this website because it has a good entry filter system. You can choose to save your entry as "public", "friends" only or "private".

If you don't wanna save the entry as "public", please use the "friends" option so that Jonyl and I can see the updates on our own individual accounts.

Ok, that's all! =)