Wednesday, November 24, 2010

PSLE Results have been released

Here are my results :
English A
Maths D
Chinese D
Science B

Aggregate 167

I did slightly better than Prelims and I will be going to Normal Academic as you can see from my results, I will be going to CHIJ Katong Convent and I am happy with every subject except for Maths. :-( If you would like to know more about my PSLE Results, please contact me, thank you.


Cheh(2x) has probably heard of this, but why am I bringing this up? Because I'm a BAD person.... I got it and than I spread it to poor Auntie Florence!! :-( Good thing Mama brought me to the doctor earlier! Other wise I would have gotten pneumonia! Just like Cheh(2x)!!!! :-S No offence Cheh(2x)..... :-X

Auntie Florence's BIRTH-DAY BASH

Made with Vanilla, fresh cream, flakes, some powdering chocolate, two very happy strawberries :-) and light chocolate on the inside!!!!! YAY!!!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jonyl's wearing GLASSES!?

It's the end of me.... I have to wear glasses....

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Did you know that I was lying down onto the floor and than a DEAD BEE was right beside me and it got STUCK to my arm and it STUNG me with it's GHOSTLY STINGER and I was "EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! EW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and my arm feels like IT'S GOING TO DIE because it was VERY DIRTY and GHOSTLY!!!!!!!!!! I washed it with soap immediately and it left a mosquito-bite mark on my arm!!!!!
And I screamed to the top of my voice!!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Jonyl's birthday cake cutting

Made with Vanilla and Cookies 'N' Cream! Yummy! :-P

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Sorry... I did'nt know that you're computers and laptops could not see the blog website!
One time, I was ssoooooo thirsty because I was so "ADICTTED" to my homework until I drank a whole 700ml water bottle in one BIG GULP! =P

Sunday, April 4, 2010

why did you do that

jonyl can you change it back please... the layout doesnt load on cheh's and my computers so we cant see the entries properly. DIDN'T you read cheh's latest entry??


Friday, April 2, 2010


Just to let you all know that I was the one who changed the theme of the blog, back, to it's original!!! =)

Liesl: How To Train Your Dragon

Ma & Pa, you should bring Jonyl to see this movie if you haven't already!

How To Train Your Dragon

Very nice 3D film by Dreamworks! Haven't seen rendering as impressive as this since Ratatouille. =P

E.g. check out the amount of fur on this guy. He even has arm hair!

Btw, I think something's wrong with our blog layout... the background image doesn't load, at least not on my mac and Dell, which makes it hard to read the text... So I'm just gonna change it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Liesl: Long-Awaited Update

Ok, so Kine and I are planning to go apartment hunting soon. Stephanie may be sharing an apartment with us as well, so we'll be looking for a three bedroom apartment. That may be hard to find though, so Stephanie said if we can't it's alright.

My grades aren't fantastic this semester... no As for midterm. Just B+ for history class, B for sculpting class and I don't know what my grades for the other two classes are yet, but I have a feeling I'm getting a C+ for drawing class (I explained this before). I have no idea where I stand for Maya class because the teacher hasn't even given us our progress grades for the first quarter of the semester yet.

Anyway, it's a week of spring break now, and I'm planning to relax, have fun, and probably practice gesture/ head drawings and stuff. Yesterday I went to Ocean Beach with my friends. We didn't swim, cuz it was wayyyy too windy and cold. Haha! I did put my feet in the water, and it was really icy. We played ball games instead, like baseball, football and soccer, etc. I might have gotten a little bit of a tan. =P

By the way, daylight savings occurred last week, so now SF is back to being just 15 hours behind Singapore. =)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This operation was on my STY that was on my EYE, hey! That ryhmed! =D Anyways, it left a "scar" on top of my eye which I like, because it makes it unique! ^_^ My sunday school teachers, Aunty Sharon and Uncle Kester, were there too! Because Aunty Sharon once worked at that hospital, and she gave me a piggy!!! XD

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Please go to this website :

Logico Picollo

Hi there!!

The Logico Picollo was brought to Carpmael along with some...
You see, I told them that IF they can solve 5 of the cards from the Logico Picollo, they will get 1 candy cane... so Joseph wanted to do 20 cards YOU KNOW!!
But in the end he was tired and only managed to do 10... -_-
So... I gave him 2 candycanes!!!!!!!!!
Poor Aaron, HE GOT ALL WRONG!!!!!!!!!! D:

Regretion : I should have taken pictures of them playing... =.=

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Liesl: Pictures...

The turning man! (Figure Modeling in-class assignment)


Kine's ear. =P (Figure Modeling homework assignment)


An old favourite. =)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fire Drill!!!!!!!!!!

There was a fire drill in my school!!! Firstly, the Ambulance came... followed by the Civil Defence... and than the Police. There was this girl, who was pretending to cry and ran to the general office and told the principal that "there was a fire in the Science room!!"... I saw it because my ankle wasn't fully recovered yet... so I was left in the general office!!!!! With another girl who had recently vomitted... -_- later on, we were brought to the library to be "safe" so that we won't get "burned" by the fire... -_- they were trying to be all real and that... oh ya! There was this camera man who was video taping a "Mom" hugging her "Child" when it was actually a teacher hugging a pupil! O.O
Like as though the "Mom" was ssoooooooooo WORRIED for her "Child" until must be ssooooo dramatic! -_- Anyway, there was this other "Mom" who was looking for her "Child"... unfortunately her "Child could not be FOUND" so the "Mom" was like sssooooooooo worried and she said, "Where is she? Where is SHE??" until a teacher had to "calm" her downnnnnn... =.= they had to make it SSSOOOOOOOOO real until they had to put fake blood onto the pupil's to make them look like they were hurt and they make them lie down onto the floor... and alot of them said it was SO FUN sitting on the stretcher when the paramedic's came!! =P The other pupils were supposed to wait at the HOT courtyard for like 3 hours? But instead they got bored and the teacher ALLOWED them to watch Spongebob Squarepants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =_= Then the teacher got really angry and said, "You know that actually were're supposed to stay at the HOT courtyard for 3 hours??????? But we were kind enough to let you watch Spongebob Squarepants in the air-conditioned hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know if this was a REAL emergency, we could have evacuated to Tao Nan School!?"... and then it ended like THAT!! :P

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Victory Weekend

Papa and Mama just came back from their Victory Weekend at church!
Here are some of the photos they took over there...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

New Pet Society?!

This post is EXCLUSIVELY for Cheh(2x) and Zicheh :

You should see it! It is very different from the old one!!
There will be no more meter bar for the cleanliness and happiness but there will be one for the hungriness. The map is cute now and your pet will walk faster from now on! :-P
They will also give you $3000 for no reason!!!! :-D
They also upgraded the camera and lots more!!!!!!!!
So? What are you waiting for? Go now and exprience the NEW Pet Society! Have fun! :-P

Tip : If you want to collect the money from the trees, you will have to click on "Friend Street" in the map

global warming newsletter

There have been a number of instances over the past couple of weeks when i felt the urge to report significant and somewhat exciting events on this blog. For instance, a while ago i was riding the elevator up to my floor when it suddenly halted to a stop somewhere between the 18th and 19th storey, thus FINALLY giving me the opportunity to press the emergency call button from inside the lift. Another significant milestone would be the completion of my lit and psychology essays, which doesn't sound like much unless put within the context of the 6 other assignments i have to do by the end of the month.
I should also probably mention that elisabeth is in town with her parents till Sunday, and when she arrived on thursday she contacted me and we met for dinner yesterday. She also slept over in the apartment, which was awesome and fun.
But the only event that finally got me to sit my lazy ass at the computer and type out a proper blog entry is this last one. Which just happened 30 minutes ago and in fact, is STILL going on right now.
So at about 1 o'clock i'm at the computer talking to some friends on msn and the weather seems to be nice and warm today. In fact, it's actually almost hot. I look out the balcony and see billows of dark smoke coming from a building far away, and at first i think it's a stupid factory releasing its exhaust gases into the atmosphere, so i call the company a bunch of shitheads and roll my eyes at its environmental apathy. Then I realise there's a possibility it might be a building ON FIRE, because the weather is pretty hot, and these random fires are pretty common in melbourne during summer. The more i think about it, and the more i stare at the building from where i am, the more i begin to think this is a more likely explanation for the smoke. Plus i've never seen smoke coming from that building before, and it's situated in the melbourne university campus area, which means it probably isn't a factory.
Anyway, I kind of ignore it because hey, I'm sorry, but there really isn't much I can do about it, and i continue to do my own thing. Even though it's only about 2 in the afternoon, the sky starts to turn a little dark and cloudy. I'm not exactly caring at this point because the weather forecast did predict rain and/or thunderstorms today. So yeah.
Then my retarded neighbour who lives in the apartment directly under mine starts smoking at his balcony (in case i haven't mentioned this before, this is something i realised 2 weeks after moving in. That my neighbour is a smoker and ALWAYS goes out to his balcony for a smoke at some point during the day), so i slam the balcony door shut just to prove a point, and i continue working at the computer. Then it starts to get stuffy in the apartment, so I open up the balcony door a crack and sniff the air just to make sure he's stopped puffing. I immediately notice the temperature is like 10 degrees cooler, and it's getting really windy and cloudy. I'm like, whoa cool, if that building is still on fire, it would be freaking convenient if the rain came now.
So yes. I'm sitting at the computer and i hear what sounds like rocks falling against the top of the building next to mine. It's really really loud cos the roof of that building is made out of some kind of metal and crap. So i walk out to the balcony to see what the heck is going on, and notice that the rain is approaching. I don't know about you but i've always loved to watch rain advancing towards where i am. It's thrilling. ANYWAY i'm like oh yay let's watch the rain come. But the raindrops i can see from where i am look weird. The drops are not tiny and numerous. They're EXTREMELY visible. I'm squinting and staring and suddenly, freaking HAIL starts falling on the balcony floor.
I'm like freaking out at this point so I jump back into the room and shut the door and the hail just starts going and going outside. The sky turns totally foggy and white and i can't see anything, not even the buildings next door. and yeah i got so excited i ran to the room to get my camera and managed to snap some shots of the hail before it completely melted on the balcony. i'll upload those later.
Anyway needless to say that building isn't emitting weird smoke fumes anymore. haha plus i can't even see the darn thing from here anymore. whatev. It's just raining really heavily now, and i can hear ambulance sirens from here whoa. yeah. so.... that's all. i thought it was cool. i'm going to start doing my work now. photos LATER.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Broken Leg :-(

Hello everyone, bad news... I twisted my ANKLE!!!!!! =P

How did it happen?
I was walking down the stairs when it was time to go home and then suddenly, I felt like my left leg was floating in the air when I fell down and sat on it! =P
The bus uncle helped me go to the bus and I was practically LIMPING!!!!!

What happened after that?
The next day, I wore slippers to school. (We were allowed to wear slippers to school if our foot was hurt) So, I took the lift! (That was the only good thing about getting hurt... ._.) At home, I thought it was fine, so I was ~ walking and leaping ~ until my foot got hurt again! =P
So, tomorrow I'm going to school with a bandage on my leg! =P

Was it fun taking the lift? =P
Well... ya I guess? =P
But what really surprised me was the fact that SO MANY girls going into the lift was in the same condition as ME!! Somemore, there was a small girl with CRUTCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!! D=

JSS Camp

Hello everyone! :-)
Just to let you know, that I will NOT be posting on the blog from the 19 March - 21 March 2010 as I will be going to the JSS Camp! I have invited one of my friend to join me and accompany me at the camp!! Don't worry, I will post the pictures that we took at the camp! :-)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birth-day Grisl!!!!

Grisl's B-day Pics!!!!!!!

Cute Grisl

Cute Grisl sitting on the poof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steam boat

We had a Steamboat!
Here are some of the photos!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Cheh(2x) have you seen Macho in real life? Not just in picture? Because if you haven't, here are some pictures of him :

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I finally solved it over the pass 2 years!!!!!

I found out that there was a application called the "Cube Cheater" that helps you to solve your rubik's cube. Only avalible for the iPhone, so I used my friends iPhone to download that application as I have a unsolved rubik's cube that I've been trying to solve over the pass 2 years!!!!!!!!!! If you want to see how to use it you can always watch this video : please watch the video before reading the rest of this post. And it works!! It really solved my rubik's cube! If you have yet to believe me... here is a picture of my SOLVED rubik's cube.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Liesl: Sick...

Hi all... bad news... I've fallen ill. +_+ It's the flu, and it's been going around the apartment, and quite possibly the whole school.

I missed class this morning... =( Really worried because it's Figure Drawing class and I really wanna do well for that one... I hope I'll be able to catch up next week.

Please pray that I'll recover soon...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Liesl: Finally, An Update!

It's Monday morning and I'm alone in the apartment. There's something buzzing around behind Kine's and my bed... AND IT'S FREAKING ME OUT.

There are NOT supposed to be any bugs in San Francisco!!!! D:

Ok, time for an update. I have to get to class soon though, so I'm gonna make this quick.

The apartment net has been shittified since thanksgiving last year. I was pretty sure it would get fixed during the winter holidays, but apparently I was wrong. So now my roommates and I have gone and bought our own net from Comcast.

The first week of classes was alright... History and Technology of Visual Effects and Computer Animation (what a mouthful) seems to require a lot of memory work, something we all know I kind of fail at... Figure Drawing is fun, we're doing gestures right now... Figure Modeling requires a lot of arm strength, something we all know I DEFINITELY fail at, but clay is cool stuff... and 3D Modeling and Animation 1 (Maya) is, well, a little boring so far, but maybe that's cause we haven't actually started on anything yet.

Yesterday I saw the National Football League: Super Bowl XLIV on TV with my housemates. American football is interesting and fun to watch! I still don't get why they call it football though.

There's going to be a homecoming thingy this Wednesday at Ruby Skye. I'm planning to go out shopping tomorrow to look for Metropark jeans, more long-sleeved tops from Hollister, and a dress to wear for the occasion. Hurhurhur...

Aiight, signing off! Till next time! =)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Whoops, I caved.

After about 3 weeks of only shopping for necessities like food and detergent, I caved. ARGH. And now I can't seem to shrug of this urge to shop. ARGH x2. Fortunately the route I take to and from school doesn't cut through the city, or any decent shopping district besides Queen Victoria Market - which actually, is not as much a shopping district as it is a wet market. So... not exactly what I have in mind when the shopping pangs strike. Plus it only opens from 8am to 2pm.

It really doesn't help that almost all the major clothing stores are having summer sales; and i mean REALLY good summer sales. Like up to 70% off-type summer sales D: argh!!!!! I've managed to do about $130 of damage to my super savings new year's resolution (I didn't actually call it that when i resolved to do it), but NO MORE. For the month!!! I'll try!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, all's well so far on the apartment front. I haven't got round to doing any serious cleaning because the place is so new and pristine, and the occasional vacuum seems to suffice. I'm pretty good at not making a mess, I think (: hohoho. At least not voluntarily. My hair seems to be dropping all over the place but that's not exactly my fault and I clean up after myself so HA.

Whoa I just realised I paid like $7.59 for broccoli. Is that expensive???

The temperature inside the apartment seems to be fairly consistent, which is awesome, and I hope it stays like this during the winter months as well. Melbourne is nice and warm right now and I love it (: even though the UV rays here are probably strong enough to obliterate the vitamin A of every carrot in the world. I need to get sunscreen. The walk home was just half an hour yet now my nose is red and my lips are tingling from sunburn, but I really do love it. It reminds me of Tioman minus that biohazardous excuse for a beach.


Saturday, February 6, 2010


Happy Birth-day Zicheh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Science Project : Taking care of a Terrapin

My Science project is on taking care of a Terrapin, but instead of 1 Terrapin.. I took care of 2 Terrapins! The 1st picture is a girl, her name is Yiyi, the second picture is a boy, his name is Yoyo. Yiyi was much more stronger, bigger, heavier and active than Yoyo. And Yiyi has been shitting... BYE!! =P


Hi everyone!!
Yesterday, Shalyn, Kimberley and Jia Qi came over to our house to do a Science project! After we finished, they all went home... exepct for Jia Qi. As she has used most of her money taking a taxi to my house and as usual, like every taxi driver.... HE DID'NT KNOW WHERE TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So she wanted to take the public bus home but she did'nt know where the bus stop was, she came with us to carpmael and when it was time to go home (very late) she did'nt know what to do after that. So she called her mom and her mom allowed her to SLEEPOVER!!!
I was ssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited as it was my first time having a friend sleepover at our house in my bedroom!! =D
She was a Christian and I lended her my PJ's! The next day, she went to Church with us and I also lended her one of my dresses! It was very fun!!!!! I wish I could do it again!! Below are some pictures of Jia Qi and I at night time!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

as bashful as the ocean



Sunday, January 24, 2010

Super Extensive

By popular demand, we present gretl's super extensive house tours. We provide exhaustive coverage of every aspect that is, gretl's apartment. Gretl's super extensive house tours. Tours that make you say, "I wish i hadn't asked in the first place."
To maximise your home tour experience, click to enlarge each image.

And then my camera ran out of battery. So... I guess this wasn't all that thorough after all.
Anyway it's just the bedroom that's left so i'll do that another time.
More later!
