Thursday, March 4, 2010

Broken Leg :-(

Hello everyone, bad news... I twisted my ANKLE!!!!!! =P

How did it happen?
I was walking down the stairs when it was time to go home and then suddenly, I felt like my left leg was floating in the air when I fell down and sat on it! =P
The bus uncle helped me go to the bus and I was practically LIMPING!!!!!

What happened after that?
The next day, I wore slippers to school. (We were allowed to wear slippers to school if our foot was hurt) So, I took the lift! (That was the only good thing about getting hurt... ._.) At home, I thought it was fine, so I was ~ walking and leaping ~ until my foot got hurt again! =P
So, tomorrow I'm going to school with a bandage on my leg! =P

Was it fun taking the lift? =P
Well... ya I guess? =P
But what really surprised me was the fact that SO MANY girls going into the lift was in the same condition as ME!! Somemore, there was a small girl with CRUTCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!! D=

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