Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Liesl: Long-Awaited Update

Ok, so Kine and I are planning to go apartment hunting soon. Stephanie may be sharing an apartment with us as well, so we'll be looking for a three bedroom apartment. That may be hard to find though, so Stephanie said if we can't it's alright.

My grades aren't fantastic this semester... no As for midterm. Just B+ for history class, B for sculpting class and I don't know what my grades for the other two classes are yet, but I have a feeling I'm getting a C+ for drawing class (I explained this before). I have no idea where I stand for Maya class because the teacher hasn't even given us our progress grades for the first quarter of the semester yet.

Anyway, it's a week of spring break now, and I'm planning to relax, have fun, and probably practice gesture/ head drawings and stuff. Yesterday I went to Ocean Beach with my friends. We didn't swim, cuz it was wayyyy too windy and cold. Haha! I did put my feet in the water, and it was really icy. We played ball games instead, like baseball, football and soccer, etc. I might have gotten a little bit of a tan. =P

By the way, daylight savings occurred last week, so now SF is back to being just 15 hours behind Singapore. =)


  1. ... sounds disappointing sayang. if it's one or two subjects ma can understand.. but all subjects? hope you're not distracted by anything else. last term you did much better and you seemed more focussed then. just ma's thoughts. love you sayang

  2. =(

  3. Possibly cuz I'm more at home and relaxed in SF now... Last sem I was kind of tense from all the changes, which probably made me more paranoid about schoolwork... =/ I remember the same thing happened in NYP.

  4. Hmmm... ok but not too relax sayang.. remember...
    Col 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men...

    1Thess 5:6
    So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled.

    1Peter 5:8
    Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

    Pa and ma are praying for you and Gretl that both of you always draw close to God and keep in step with His Spirit.. being sensitive to His guidance always.

    love you sayang
