Monday, February 8, 2010

Whoops, I caved.

After about 3 weeks of only shopping for necessities like food and detergent, I caved. ARGH. And now I can't seem to shrug of this urge to shop. ARGH x2. Fortunately the route I take to and from school doesn't cut through the city, or any decent shopping district besides Queen Victoria Market - which actually, is not as much a shopping district as it is a wet market. So... not exactly what I have in mind when the shopping pangs strike. Plus it only opens from 8am to 2pm.

It really doesn't help that almost all the major clothing stores are having summer sales; and i mean REALLY good summer sales. Like up to 70% off-type summer sales D: argh!!!!! I've managed to do about $130 of damage to my super savings new year's resolution (I didn't actually call it that when i resolved to do it), but NO MORE. For the month!!! I'll try!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, all's well so far on the apartment front. I haven't got round to doing any serious cleaning because the place is so new and pristine, and the occasional vacuum seems to suffice. I'm pretty good at not making a mess, I think (: hohoho. At least not voluntarily. My hair seems to be dropping all over the place but that's not exactly my fault and I clean up after myself so HA.

Whoa I just realised I paid like $7.59 for broccoli. Is that expensive???

The temperature inside the apartment seems to be fairly consistent, which is awesome, and I hope it stays like this during the winter months as well. Melbourne is nice and warm right now and I love it (: even though the UV rays here are probably strong enough to obliterate the vitamin A of every carrot in the world. I need to get sunscreen. The walk home was just half an hour yet now my nose is red and my lips are tingling from sunburn, but I really do love it. It reminds me of Tioman minus that biohazardous excuse for a beach.



  1. HAHAHA!! Obliterate the vitamin A of every carrot in the world... LOLNESS!!

    $7.59 for ONE broccoli? Or a packet? D:

  2. 'SALES' are EVERRRRYWHERE, sayang. Singapore year-round 'SALES' is partly due to new malls looming up all over the island and keen competition.
    $7.59 aussie sounds like a rip-off!! Do you remember, ma bought a bunch of bananas at around the same price or higher? Must be some special shipment or something. The broccoli we buy here are from Australia and one costs not more than S$2. Pls check the tag before buying next time ok sayang... and let ma know if the price is normal. love you all 3 sayangs ♥♥♥ .. and pa ♥

  3. hahha just to clarify, it was 7.59 for 3 like.. biggish florets/heads (?) of broccoli. how??? D:
