Monday, August 17, 2009

Possums, Loneliness and Rainy days.

I think there was a possum outside my window the other night. And I know that sounds quaint and enchanting and all, but it really WASN'T. The window was open and it was really dark outside so I couldn't even see the thing approaching (which might have actually been freakier). I think it might have been attracted to the smell of my dinner cos I left the bowl next to the window.

Anyway. yes. I was on skype with ma and pa when I heard this weird hissing and gurgling sound (- AGHHH!!). It was so loud. I mean the window is right beside me when i sit at the desk, and it sounded like the possum was sitting on the window pane or something. I can't wait till summer when it only gets dark at like 8 or 9pm; then I won't fall prey to any more of these woodland creatures and their stealthy attacks. Plus I'll be able to do so much more, like stay out late or go for a jog in the park, without having to deal with people worrying about me hanging around while it's dark out. I'm kind of warming up to the idea of staying in Templestowe, despite the distance I have to travel everyday to get to and back from school. I mean i've always been more of a country bumpkin than a city slicker. The only other down-side to being so far from the city is the fact that I don't get to meet my friends as and when. Especially during the weekends.

So it does get kind of lonely up here. Being away from your family is easy when you're distracted by school work or goofing off with classmates, but when you're alone or something crappy happens, you really think about it a lot. I can't wait for December to come 'round. One of the Trinity students from the June extended program just quit school today. I've only spoken to her twice since lessons started 4 weeks ago, but according to rumours she's going back cos she's homesick/can't take the work load/can't stand being away from her boyfriend. None of those reasons seem valid to me because it cost her parents 20-freaking-thousand dollars to send her here. But what do I know right? She's been here 2 months and I only started in July.

Whoever said Melbourne experiences 4 seasons in a day wasn't kidding. The weather is so insanely erratic here it should be a law that everyone carry suitcases with appropriate attire for sun, rain and strong wind. Like every Friday has been unofficially declared "Casual Friday", so I'll open the windows in the morning to decide if it's warm enough to wear slippers to school. Unfortunately every Friday is also "Stay-Out-As-Freaking-Late-As-Possible Friday", so by the time I get home it's freezing and my exposed toes are crying out for socks. Also, wounds take ages to heal cos the air is so dry.

Okay BLAH. I should really get started on some homework now since it's late, and tomorrow night's pretty much gone since I'll be attending a cell group meeting.
(: Will update again later.



  1. LOLOL!! Hey! What's homework like there? And how's the ed system as compared to sg?? =O

  2. LOL gosh ya i just realise i havent written anything about SCHOOL gahaha. another time, another post!!!
