Friday, August 14, 2009

My post for the day and message to Jonyl

your entry titles are always almost the same.

ANYWAY. I am so tired.

I've noticed something extremely frustrating lately. I can't take short naps in the evening before bathing or whatever... because for some reason, I just won't get back up till the next morning. I mean, of course that would be ideal if I was ready for bed and all, but in most instances I just want to rest a little before continuing with my nightly routines.

This week hasn't been a good week for me, sleep wise. I need to come up with a plan to ensure that I get like 9 hours of sleep and still be able to finish all my homework and crap. No easy feat I tell you. Some lucky ducks living in the city get to wake up at 6am to go to the gym, but I have to get up at 6am just to get to school on time. DANGIT.

Whatever. I have other, more interesting things to tell you guys.
Apparently students from China are allowed to give themselves English names while they're here, instead of having to listen to the Australian teachers butcher their chinese names over and over again (I understand the pain). Now some of the names they choose are relatively normal... like Leon and Megan... etc etc. But I mean, who wants a normal name when you can come up with something totally unique and full of meaning right???

"RIGHT!" say the Chinese folk.

Examples of my classmates' carefully selected names include Nature, Smile and Draco. I don't know how they come up with these, but they do. Like one lesson sees the aus teacher struggling to pronounce a chinese name with an Xie or a Jie and failing miserably at it, and when the next class come around, the same teacher's taking the roll and XieJie says, "Oh, you can call me Nature." D8
Amazing I tell you.
What's more amazing is that the teachers don't bat an eyelid when they hear these awesomely mod names. They're just like "alright", while I'm like... "Did he just say Nature??!"

Actually, there is this one girl from China who refuses to give herself an English name... but the ironic thing is that she has probably the most undesirable chinese name possible, and SHOULD change it for her own benefit. I spotted her name while the student attendance list was being passed around the lecture theatre once, and when I pointed it out to the others, they (very nastily) laughed out loud while I contemplated the mental stability of her parents.

On the list, my name is TAN, GRETL.

On the list, her name is DING, DONG.

I mean maybe doorbells in China don't sound the same as doorbells in the rest of the world. I'm just saying.

Anyway I have to continue with some homework... so I'll stop here. More updates later (:



  1. HAHAHAHAHA DING DONG!!! ROFL!!!!!!!! She should pick Bell for her english name! Ding Dong Bell.
