Saturday, August 22, 2009


This entry was supposed to go something like this :

How to Deal with an Irritating Aunt
#1 Hire a hitman.

But guess what? By some miracle, she just apologised.
It wasn't a verbal apology, but I understand the embarrassment must be way too overwhelming for that. I mean it was a really heated argument.
And the funny thing is, I'm suddenly completely appeased.
Like I was seriously prepared to do something violent and possibly illegal, but when she slipped the note under my door and I read it, I totally dropped the knife I was wielding.

So yeah. Hmmm.
I think cheh will understand me entirely when I say I have a severe soft spot for sincere apologies. (That's a lot of S's) Which may or may not be a good thing! It's really disarming, especially when you least expect the other party to relent. I guess that explains why I suddenly lose all my killer instincts. I mean when I get into an argument with someone, I'm immediately preparing myself for long years of cold war, backstabbing and sabotage. So an apology really throws me off my bearings. PLUS I'll feel like returning the apology, even if I'd planned to say something cold like, "Apology accepted you twit."

Okay I realise I sound like a jerk. And yes, I am rather jerky - it's one of my many flaws D: Dang it I need to go to church and read the Bible more. God will reshape my black heart!!!

I just remembered something worthy of blog postage. We did an experiment during Psychology class on Friday! And it wasn't just any boring-pointless-routine-lame-robotic-usually-in-a-science-lab experiment! It was a naturalistic observation type experiment.
What we were supposed to do was come up with a theory and hypothesis, then conduct the experiment to test its accuracy. So our theory was that gender affects altruism, and the hypothesis was that girls are more helpful than guys.
The experiment was as follows:
One of us walks casually down the corridor of union house (the "food hall" of melbourne uni) holding a file full of papers. Another one of us sprints past and knocks over the first person, causing the file to fly out of his/her arms and scattering the papers. Then the rest of us wait and see if anyone helps, and record our observations.

So, my psychology tutor wanted us to carry out the experiment 4 times, trying out all the possible permutations i.e. guy hits girl, girl hits guy, girl hits girl, guy hits guy. And initially we only needed 2 guys and 2 girls to volunteer their services, but somehow we ended up with 8 different people, meaning a totally different pair acted out the scene each time. It also meant that one of my silly friends got excited and appointed me a "hitter" in one of the experiments.
Now here's the problem. The psych tutor told us that when he carried out this experiment with another class a couple of years ago, they almost got into a fight with some of the students from the uni. Apparently, the guy involved in the guy-hits-girl experiment didn't run away fast enough, and was almost beat up by a very noble bystander who saw him push over the girl. It didn't help that the girl was an excellent actress, and that she cried out and fell on her face to make the scene look more realistic.
So yes, I was WORRIED. I mean, I was in the "girl-hits-guy" experiment, but even so, the guy I was supposed to knock over looks rather vulnerable. What if some overly-altruistic people yell abuse at me as I run away from the scene of the crime, or worse, chase after me and beat me with sticks? D:
Anyway long story short, all 4 experiments were successful. After smacking my partner in the arm I ran like crazy to the other end of the uni, and when I walked back I found out everyone had been waiting for me, which was kind of embarrassing. The last experiment was gold. This one was the most dangerous of all, the guy-hits-girl one. And the girl, by some weird coincidence, was another brilliant actress. She's this little adorable japanese thing, and evidently, she's studied the ancient art of falling-on-one's-face-realistically. She got the best response I think. Before, most people sort of hesitated before going to help, but with her, all these random people started coming forward immediately. One of the shopkeepers even got out of the store to help her - AHAHAHA. And and and, as expected, people were really ticked off at the dude who pushed her. Like this one short guy gave him a really nasty glare as he ran away. Hohoho, we are such convincing actors.

Okay you know what, I really need to go lie down. My shoulder ache is killing me.




  1. HAHA YOU WERE IN THE GIRL-HITS-GUY ONE! ROFLMAO!!!!! Suits you. =X Eh so cool lah!! So what were your findings in the end????

  2. LOL but why! xD even my psych tutor said I look like I'd be able to hit a guy D: Anyway, our theory was false cos' a fairly equal number of guys and girls came forward to help. We kinda decided that the proximity of a bystander to the site of an accident will increase their likeliness to help.

  3. hmmm... interesting and kind of dangerous too.. after what happened to that guy who almost got beaten up, haha. Were all the experiments done within the Uni compound? Always praying for you, sayang. love you!

  4. Sayang, keep your words in the blogs, pleasing to God. love you very much! ... and God loves you much much more!!
    1 Peter 3:9-11
    love, ma

  5. hahah :D ma, yes the experiments were all done within the uni. I guess it would really have been too dangerous to do them off campus. Love you very much!
