Monday, August 31, 2009


(Sorry this post is late..... this post was meant for Sunday because I did not know what to post until now.) Did you know what was that tiny thing at the top of a shoelace? It's called an AGLET . Is'nt it sad that it's one of the most ignored word all over the world?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

More Of Nilam's (My Friend) Drawings!!!!

LOOK!!! Cheh(2x) I even asked her to draw Ty-Lee!!!!! (2nd pic)
I'm going to keep the picture of Ty-Lee because it is pretty!! :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

the silent sister

Good news is pa and cheh survived the long flight to san franny.
Bad news is now they're much further away than before.
Even worse news is that the internet is still not advanced enough to provide us with smooth and clear video calls over such a long distance.
The internet is STUPID. It will only cease to be stupid when someone invents a software that allows seamless communication via online video calls. I call on Bill Gates to step up to the plate and come up with some techno crap... because he's the only freakin person in the tech world that i know of.

Anyway, cheh and I tried to do a vid call on msn on.... thursday night i think. And it failed.
Like we got connected, but the vid was frozen immediately and we couldnt hear each other at all. PATHETIC D8
So, attempt number two was today. We vid called, and the thing was like working for 3 seconds before her screened hanged and mine started lagging, and the audio was cut off.
Anyway we left the vids on and continued chatting through messenger, when suddenly, I saw movement on her screen!!! 8D LIKE OMG YAY. So yea, now we can see each other moving and stuff, quality isnt stellar but at least it's something. Audio still isnt working though so we have to type.
It's good though. I mean it's kinda nice that we can see each other at least! And no audio means we will never be able to shout at each other if we're PMS-y. HAHA kidding.
Anyway ya. I miss being able to be completely me-ish, because I'm only completely me-ish when cheh and I are CHILLIN' in our CRIB. Yes. I said chillin'. and crib. i'm getting with the times!!
anyway i can't wait for December.


Thank You Zicheh For The Tamagotchis

Thanks for giving me back my tamagotchis Zicheh.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


俐馨 says:
anyway gretts
the food in nippon airways is good!
you know
in the tokyo airport
you know those people
like just before the plane leaves

Your ad here. says:

俐馨 says:
they're like scurrying about below it

Your ad here. says:

俐馨 says:
loading luggages and refueling and whatnot
when the plane started taxi-ing out of the "parking lot"
they stood in a row and waved and bowed.

Your ad here. says:


Japanese people are da bomb.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Zicheh Can I........?

Zicheh Can I show my friends the Pet Society Vanilla you knitted?? :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009


This entry was supposed to go something like this :

How to Deal with an Irritating Aunt
#1 Hire a hitman.

But guess what? By some miracle, she just apologised.
It wasn't a verbal apology, but I understand the embarrassment must be way too overwhelming for that. I mean it was a really heated argument.
And the funny thing is, I'm suddenly completely appeased.
Like I was seriously prepared to do something violent and possibly illegal, but when she slipped the note under my door and I read it, I totally dropped the knife I was wielding.

So yeah. Hmmm.
I think cheh will understand me entirely when I say I have a severe soft spot for sincere apologies. (That's a lot of S's) Which may or may not be a good thing! It's really disarming, especially when you least expect the other party to relent. I guess that explains why I suddenly lose all my killer instincts. I mean when I get into an argument with someone, I'm immediately preparing myself for long years of cold war, backstabbing and sabotage. So an apology really throws me off my bearings. PLUS I'll feel like returning the apology, even if I'd planned to say something cold like, "Apology accepted you twit."

Okay I realise I sound like a jerk. And yes, I am rather jerky - it's one of my many flaws D: Dang it I need to go to church and read the Bible more. God will reshape my black heart!!!

I just remembered something worthy of blog postage. We did an experiment during Psychology class on Friday! And it wasn't just any boring-pointless-routine-lame-robotic-usually-in-a-science-lab experiment! It was a naturalistic observation type experiment.
What we were supposed to do was come up with a theory and hypothesis, then conduct the experiment to test its accuracy. So our theory was that gender affects altruism, and the hypothesis was that girls are more helpful than guys.
The experiment was as follows:
One of us walks casually down the corridor of union house (the "food hall" of melbourne uni) holding a file full of papers. Another one of us sprints past and knocks over the first person, causing the file to fly out of his/her arms and scattering the papers. Then the rest of us wait and see if anyone helps, and record our observations.

So, my psychology tutor wanted us to carry out the experiment 4 times, trying out all the possible permutations i.e. guy hits girl, girl hits guy, girl hits girl, guy hits guy. And initially we only needed 2 guys and 2 girls to volunteer their services, but somehow we ended up with 8 different people, meaning a totally different pair acted out the scene each time. It also meant that one of my silly friends got excited and appointed me a "hitter" in one of the experiments.
Now here's the problem. The psych tutor told us that when he carried out this experiment with another class a couple of years ago, they almost got into a fight with some of the students from the uni. Apparently, the guy involved in the guy-hits-girl experiment didn't run away fast enough, and was almost beat up by a very noble bystander who saw him push over the girl. It didn't help that the girl was an excellent actress, and that she cried out and fell on her face to make the scene look more realistic.
So yes, I was WORRIED. I mean, I was in the "girl-hits-guy" experiment, but even so, the guy I was supposed to knock over looks rather vulnerable. What if some overly-altruistic people yell abuse at me as I run away from the scene of the crime, or worse, chase after me and beat me with sticks? D:
Anyway long story short, all 4 experiments were successful. After smacking my partner in the arm I ran like crazy to the other end of the uni, and when I walked back I found out everyone had been waiting for me, which was kind of embarrassing. The last experiment was gold. This one was the most dangerous of all, the guy-hits-girl one. And the girl, by some weird coincidence, was another brilliant actress. She's this little adorable japanese thing, and evidently, she's studied the ancient art of falling-on-one's-face-realistically. She got the best response I think. Before, most people sort of hesitated before going to help, but with her, all these random people started coming forward immediately. One of the shopkeepers even got out of the store to help her - AHAHAHA. And and and, as expected, people were really ticked off at the dude who pushed her. Like this one short guy gave him a really nasty glare as he ran away. Hohoho, we are such convincing actors.

Okay you know what, I really need to go lie down. My shoulder ache is killing me.



My friend (Nilam) drawings

My friend, her name is Nilam, loves AVATAR and she can draw really well! :O She started a club called AVATAR and I am Mai/Mae and she is Katara and others!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Welcoming Committee

Since my arrival in Melbourne, the welcoming committee has taken immediate and consistent action in providing me with the most authentic Aussie experience in the shortest amount of time possible.

To officially mark the beginning of your stay in Australia, you will be provided accommodation which will be strategically located miles and miles away from the city and any convenient mode of transport. Subsequently, you are likely to be stalked by a middle-aged man afflicted with insanity. Large, hostile Australian teenagers may also wave and stare at you from their cars as you walk down the street! And, as an added bonus, you will be overcharged for food, beverage and transport, then have your phone stolen in a shopping mall. You should also look forward to being startled by a woodland creature native to Australia while sitting alone in your room. Be sure to keep your eyes open for drunkards! You will find plenty on the train stations after 9 o'clock at night, and if you're lucky, you may get to see dead and decomposing dogs while walking along the road after dark.

Enjoy your stay and once again, welcome to Melbourne!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Possums, Loneliness and Rainy days.

I think there was a possum outside my window the other night. And I know that sounds quaint and enchanting and all, but it really WASN'T. The window was open and it was really dark outside so I couldn't even see the thing approaching (which might have actually been freakier). I think it might have been attracted to the smell of my dinner cos I left the bowl next to the window.

Anyway. yes. I was on skype with ma and pa when I heard this weird hissing and gurgling sound (- AGHHH!!). It was so loud. I mean the window is right beside me when i sit at the desk, and it sounded like the possum was sitting on the window pane or something. I can't wait till summer when it only gets dark at like 8 or 9pm; then I won't fall prey to any more of these woodland creatures and their stealthy attacks. Plus I'll be able to do so much more, like stay out late or go for a jog in the park, without having to deal with people worrying about me hanging around while it's dark out. I'm kind of warming up to the idea of staying in Templestowe, despite the distance I have to travel everyday to get to and back from school. I mean i've always been more of a country bumpkin than a city slicker. The only other down-side to being so far from the city is the fact that I don't get to meet my friends as and when. Especially during the weekends.

So it does get kind of lonely up here. Being away from your family is easy when you're distracted by school work or goofing off with classmates, but when you're alone or something crappy happens, you really think about it a lot. I can't wait for December to come 'round. One of the Trinity students from the June extended program just quit school today. I've only spoken to her twice since lessons started 4 weeks ago, but according to rumours she's going back cos she's homesick/can't take the work load/can't stand being away from her boyfriend. None of those reasons seem valid to me because it cost her parents 20-freaking-thousand dollars to send her here. But what do I know right? She's been here 2 months and I only started in July.

Whoever said Melbourne experiences 4 seasons in a day wasn't kidding. The weather is so insanely erratic here it should be a law that everyone carry suitcases with appropriate attire for sun, rain and strong wind. Like every Friday has been unofficially declared "Casual Friday", so I'll open the windows in the morning to decide if it's warm enough to wear slippers to school. Unfortunately every Friday is also "Stay-Out-As-Freaking-Late-As-Possible Friday", so by the time I get home it's freezing and my exposed toes are crying out for socks. Also, wounds take ages to heal cos the air is so dry.

Okay BLAH. I should really get started on some homework now since it's late, and tomorrow night's pretty much gone since I'll be attending a cell group meeting.
(: Will update again later.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Zicheh's Shoes

Hi Zicheh!!! :))))) Auntie Florence asked whether I could have your shoes.... because she thinks that it is too small for you, so......... ya.........

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Liesl: Red Hair

I have red hair now!! Just on the left side.

Everyone thought I dyed my hair. My friends were like "You finally dyed your hair!!!" and Ma was like "LIESL!!! D=<"

But it's not real hair. It's just clip-on hair extensions. -_- Drea and I decided to try it out while shopping for Joe's birthday present. She's got red and purple streaks in her hair. xD

Ma and Pa don't like it =( but my friends think it's RAD!!! Hahaha!!

Anyway, that aside, I've bought a new pair of white platforms! This is because I realised the flowery sandals are more "smart casual" as opposed to just casual. Like I can't wear them with shirt and shorts.

But these platforms are quite "flexible". As in I can wear them with a casual outfit, but they can also match smart-casual and maybe even semi-formal.

I'll show them to you next time we webcam Gretts! :D


Ok Pa I won't buy anymore! That's all. All the shoes in my list of necessary footwear are officially accounted for. =)

- Boots (For rainy days and to look rad.)
The boots Ma and Gretts got for me from Australia.

- Slippers (For "slippery" situations like making quick trips down to the laundry room.)
My apple green Crox slippers.

- Sports shoes (For sports activities/ lots of walking.)

- Formal shoes (For formal occasions/ presentations.)
Charles & Keith high-heels.

- Converse sneakers (Because it's Converse.)

- Casual sandals/ platforms (For casual outings where you wanna look good but not overdo it.)
Flowery sandals and white platforms!

It is DONE! -Attempts to stuff shoes into luggage-

Aaahhhh kkk I'm supposed to go for cell now. Gotta sign off!

Byeness! \m/

Zicheh's Name

ZICHEH!!! Your name is in my Maths Textbook!!! :0000000

Friday, August 14, 2009

My post for the day and message to Jonyl

your entry titles are always almost the same.

ANYWAY. I am so tired.

I've noticed something extremely frustrating lately. I can't take short naps in the evening before bathing or whatever... because for some reason, I just won't get back up till the next morning. I mean, of course that would be ideal if I was ready for bed and all, but in most instances I just want to rest a little before continuing with my nightly routines.

This week hasn't been a good week for me, sleep wise. I need to come up with a plan to ensure that I get like 9 hours of sleep and still be able to finish all my homework and crap. No easy feat I tell you. Some lucky ducks living in the city get to wake up at 6am to go to the gym, but I have to get up at 6am just to get to school on time. DANGIT.

Whatever. I have other, more interesting things to tell you guys.
Apparently students from China are allowed to give themselves English names while they're here, instead of having to listen to the Australian teachers butcher their chinese names over and over again (I understand the pain). Now some of the names they choose are relatively normal... like Leon and Megan... etc etc. But I mean, who wants a normal name when you can come up with something totally unique and full of meaning right???

"RIGHT!" say the Chinese folk.

Examples of my classmates' carefully selected names include Nature, Smile and Draco. I don't know how they come up with these, but they do. Like one lesson sees the aus teacher struggling to pronounce a chinese name with an Xie or a Jie and failing miserably at it, and when the next class come around, the same teacher's taking the roll and XieJie says, "Oh, you can call me Nature." D8
Amazing I tell you.
What's more amazing is that the teachers don't bat an eyelid when they hear these awesomely mod names. They're just like "alright", while I'm like... "Did he just say Nature??!"

Actually, there is this one girl from China who refuses to give herself an English name... but the ironic thing is that she has probably the most undesirable chinese name possible, and SHOULD change it for her own benefit. I spotted her name while the student attendance list was being passed around the lecture theatre once, and when I pointed it out to the others, they (very nastily) laughed out loud while I contemplated the mental stability of her parents.

On the list, my name is TAN, GRETL.

On the list, her name is DING, DONG.

I mean maybe doorbells in China don't sound the same as doorbells in the rest of the world. I'm just saying.

Anyway I have to continue with some homework... so I'll stop here. More updates later (:


My Reply to Cheh (2x)

Heehee!!! :))) yay!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Guess what???

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Reply To Zicheh

Did you loose the handphone pouch Auntie Florence gave you also? :(

We were not destined to have this phone.

i lost my Sony Ericsson Z610i phone in pink/my Sony Ericsson Z610i phone in pink was stolen.

couple of years ago cheh lost her Sony Ericsson Z610i phone in blue/cheh's Sony Ericsson Z610i phone in blue was stolen.




Sunday, August 2, 2009

The atheist drank my soy milk.

Jonyl, the emotional state of your hamster is irrelevant in this discussion.

ER. Yes I realise it is almost one and i haven't slept yet. But I have good reason. I'm drying my hair.

Anyway, I just want to write this revelation down before I forget it!

My Nuclear Family! Should any of you at any point of time realise what a truly intolerable sibling/child I am... just remember - it could have been worse.
I could have been a veggie-hating, basement dwelling, pseudo-independent atheist!!!
The horror!

After much observation and deliberation, I have discovered that the Second-Child Syndrome is in fact, a fact, though I vehemently denied it's existence in my preteen years. Apparently second/middle children have the potential to become either masterminds or master criminals, depending on their upbringing. And sadly, I have found that neither of these prospects are in my horizon. Clearly mastermind is out of the question, and well, master criminal? Come on.


My Blog for The Day

Hamsters are boring pets? :(
I think hamsters are happy pets! :)
Did you know that a hamster only costs $18 !?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Reply on Hamsters

Answer for Zicheh:

Yes, hmmmm..................... I KNOW! I will not buy a hamster that is pregant. :)

Answer for Cheh (2x):

2 years only?? :((((( That is the saddest part about hamsters.