Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grisl's 14th Birth-day Present

I read this in a Pet Magazine, which I found was very interesting as it helps to keep away those pesky birds that keep on coming and shitting around when there's food in the pet bowl, this for sure is to keep out all birds! I plan for us to get this for Grisl's 14th Birth-day present!!! Enjoy! :3

The basic model has a lid-sensor that automatically opens when it detects the presence of the pet. It automatically closes back when no presence is detected, allowing you to keep your beloved pet’s food or water clean, fresh and germ-free!
Do more than just feed with the advance model. The additional product features help to maintain your pet’s diet by dispensing food or water at timely intervals. Up to 3 meals can be set, ensuring your pet gets the right portion at every meal. The dish remains open till the next feeding time so your pet can eat at its own pace.

Remind your pet its feeding time the fun way with pre-recorded message on the built in microphone. This model is great for active pet owners - no more worrying about feeding your pet while away.
Touchless pet food dispensers will ensure peace of mind for pet lovers. We know good nutrition is the basis of a healthy pet and a healthy pet makes a happy owner!

Product Features

  • Removable dishwasher safe bowl for easy cleaning
  • Durable ABS construction

All for just $68!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Art Blog!


I'm blogging in class now MUAHAHAHAHAHAR.

Here's where I've been uploading my artwork! Art blogs are all the rage now, at least among my friends. They have been for awhile, but I refused to conform. Then I realised art blogs can actually be good for networking and stuff, plus it's a great way to archive my artwork for easy viewing. So yes, I dusted off my old blog and turned it into an artblog! =)

Everything's good here, handling classes and assignments quite well, thank God. =) I should stop blogging now and pay attention. :P

Till next time!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


[21:00:10] Me (to Pa and Ma):
today some weirdo tried to talk to me while i was at QV buying groceries
i usually just walk across the road to coles but the weather was so nice during the day so i just decided to walk to the city
and as i was leaving woolworths and going up the escalator this dude walked up behind me and i almost knocked him with my bag
and i was like oops sorry
then as we were going up the escalator he suddenly said are you chinese?
what kind of question is that
so anyway i was like yeah i'm chinese
and his english was so bad i had to keep asking him to repeat the stuff he was saying
then he said he thought i was vietnamese like him
anyway so after we got off the escalator i walked away and deliberately went one big round to the next escalator (cos the supermarket is two floors down from ground level)
so yeah, i did that and as i was on the next escalator i suddenly heard a voice behind me
"are you a student"
i FREAKED OUT. but i tried to hide it
anyway i tried to be as casual as possible and he just kept sticking with me as i was walking out of qv
ugh i was trying to give him the GO AWAY vibes but whatevs
so i deliberately asked him (just to make sure he wouldnt folow me indefinitely) "whereabouts are you headed" and he said he was going to melb central to buy a coat so i was like okay and he asked me the same q so i said i was going home
and he asked me where i lived and i lied and said southbank because i obviously wasnt going to tell him!! though i lied, which was bad
anyway he tried asking me to sit down and have a coffee or something and i almost didnt understand because his eng was so bad and i was like nooooo hahahaha
i didnt even bother trying to be polite that time i was just like "noooo"
UGH so weird
i mean is this acceptable behaviour?!?! i dont think so.

[21:09:19] Pa (to me):
sayang, pa here. some advise
you can choose not to answer his question

[21:09:23] Me (to Pa and Ma):
ya? hahaha true
i feel so irritated
i should have just ignored him but i was trying to appear nonchalant so i just tried to make small talk
wtheck man

[21:10:27] Pa (to me):
and stay put in a public place, and wait him to head where he wants to go

[21:10:42] Me (to Pa and Ma):
the best part was when i went out of my way to NOT follow him to the second elevator and he showed up behind me again
ya i did that
i made sure he went away

[21:11:02] Pa (to me):
always pray

[21:11:06] Me (to Pa and Ma):
and i kept looking back and anyway i went to coles after that and didnt see him so UGH
he was a scrawny feller though
i think i can take him down

[21:11:47] Pa (to me):
and don't try to start conversation

[21:11:49] Me (to Pa and Ma):
i should carry a weapon
i didn't!
well okay
he did most of it
but i suppose my nonchalance might have come across as being conversational
obviously vietnamese people dont abide by the same social cues as the rest of the world

[21:17:28] Ma (to me):
sayang ma here... ma can imagine how "freaked out" you were when he suddenly sounded from behind you... ma would pray and ask God to help ma get out of such situations without having to lie or do anything out of fear. Rmbr.. God is great and He will always help us so don't feel intimidated or afraid..

[21:17:35] Me (to Pa and Ma):
haha ya as long as i dont bump into him anymore
if i see him again in the next couple of days i am going to assume he's a stalker and kill him


seriously though i think the reason why i entertained his weirdness was because i had this feeling he might just be some overly friendly dude who's lonely in australia. i think cheh might know what i mean. it's like how people shun the homeless in the states because everyone thinks they're drunks and drug addicts, but there are some people who are really in need.

anyway, whatevs to that guy. i'm not so much scared as i am ANNOYED by his persistence. i mean i went out of my way to avoid walking alongside him, and he still sneaks up behind me and has the cheek to try small talk again?! sheesh.

this is probably the only time i will use this hackneyed and lacklustre phrase because it happens to be quite fitting for this situation - good riddance to you, vietnamese dude


Saturday, February 19, 2011


I was a marshall at my Track & Field CIP, together with my friends....... there were runners from many schools including ours! It was very fun being a marshall, all you have to do is stand there and cheer the runners on and we get free CIP points and a free shoe bag!!!! It was sad that I could not be together with ALL of my friends..... however I got a partner to stand with me! : )
We were grouped into 4, 2 from CHIJ Katong Convent Track & Field and 2 from I don't know what school in NCDCC. I got up early in the morning and went to Bedok Reservior, we prepared ourselves for the runners to come dashing by so before they started...... we did this to encourage them! This was done by my friend and I, only the 2 of us!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

310 Pictures!

The long-awaited pictures of my new room! :)

I really REALLY love the toilet. Haha! I mean, I would have survived with the shared bathroom, but now that I have a private one, I'm really happy! :P Thanks Pa! <3

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Proper updates!

I have exciting news to share (:
I have made my laptop/work surface much more ergonomic and user friendly!

Hahaha okay so you remember before, when I used to have my laptop just sitting on my desk? That was basically the way I used it for the entire Trinity year - just the laptop, with a mouse so I wouldn't have to use the touchpad-surface thingy all the time.
I had the worst backaches working at the desk for long hours like that, cos clearly I would have to hunch over to be at eye level with the screen, plus the entire laptop had to be painfully close to my eyes or I wouldn't be able to reach the keys with ease.

Check the first photo in this entry to see what I'm talking about!

So okay, while I was home on my looooong break, I had time to think and realise that I could not tolerate this shiet anymore. So I planned out a new desk setup for myself that wouldn't cost me much, and that would be totally ideal. Things I needed were, a new keyboard (to separate the typing surface from the screen), a laptop cooler, some device that would allow me to have more usb port thingies, plus some kind of elevation for the laptop.

So a few days ago, I went out to look for the cheapest equipment I could find and did my best with what I had. And here is the result!!!

Total cost: 20AUD

The keyboard cost me about 10, and the 4-port usb hub thing cost me 10 as well.
I'd actually picked up a logitech keyboard that cost about 19, but then I looked around some more and found this one for just 9.96. It's a little stiff right now but hopefully it'll wear out some.

Heehee. The brownish shelves underneath are just old things I picked up in 2009, when I first arrived in Melb. I turned one of them over onto it's side, and stacked them up. Then I put some old books in the top and rested the laptop fan (from home) at an angle, and on goes the main piece. There was actually a proper laptop cooler in Big W going for 27AUD, on sale from 54. Not sure if I should get it? Though it would come in handy since the fan I have may not be sufficient. Plus the laptop isn't quite at eye-level for me just yet.. so I'm thinking of putting more stuff underneath to raise it higher. What do you guys think? any suggestions? hahah.

Okay well, there's my very primitive home remedy to desktop design! It's not perfect or like super pretty or anything, but I'm really pleased with it. It's a whole lot easier on the back than my last arrangement.

Anyway, more stuff to come okay! Love you guys (:



Thursday, February 10, 2011


For realsies. I'm so tired today.
Hahaha. anyway, most of the crap I have to do is done.
The stupid carpet is dirty again which means I have to clean it.. even though I just did 2 days ago. Stupid dust!! Melbourne is a dusty city.

I'm also going to try and sell some of my old, unwanted clothes.


Sunday, February 6, 2011


HELLO HELLO! Happy Chinese New Year, and Happy Birthday to Greddly Weddles!

I have changed the layout template to something that fits the season better. :P Muahahar!!

I know I say this every semester, but for serious, this semester is probably going to be the busiest of all my semesters so far. Here's my homework list for the first week:

1) 2D animation: bouncing ball (I've finished this already. About 70 sheets altogether. =x)
2) 3D animation: pendulum swing
3) 3D animation: bouncing ball
4) 3D animation: draw poses for walk cycle
5) clothed figure drawing: four drawings of pillows illustrating stretching and compressing
6) heads & hands: self portrait
7) heads & hands: create a composition window using cardboard

Tonight I'm going to have CNY dinner with Uncle Harry + family, and Rachel + Vik. Steamboat! Omnomnom!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Angpaoey Goodness

It is i, the second of the sisterly clan.
The entry following details the best angpao action of this year.
These are the red packets that deserve to be admired, commemorated and immortalised in photographic form, and whose proud stewards must be awarded for their keen aesthetic selection by way of our humble recognition.

In no order of merit, here are the nominees.

Kong and Por
This year the husband and wife team are pulling all the stops in a display of solidarity.
Both players went with the modern square-shaped packet this year, complete with asian boy and girl motifs (versatility points), bright magenta backdrop, and dancing squirrel.

A bold choice pays off!!! Amidst a sea of reds and pinks, the cheerful orange captures the attention and appeals to our proclivity for more contemporary palettes. Notable accessories include smiling-culture-savvy-squirrel in the foreground, along with strange-chinese-coins-with-the-square-holes-in-the-middle on the top right.

Bonus back details.

Uncle C. H.
Cute asian child? Great. Cute asian child with goldfish hat? Even better.
We needn't school you on the universal charm of androgynous babies.
Gender ambiguity, you say? We say prudent strategem.

Aunty Ph.
Standing apart from its squatly cousins is the tall and slim angpao; another modern take on the traditional red packet. This contender wins class points for its elegant design and regal pigment. Unfold the lip to display the embossed arabesque ornamentation in it's full glory.

Uncle. S.
More longitudinal joy courtesy of this chocolate-themed entry, speckled with sentient pastries and occasion-appropriate asian symbols.

A close up reveals an assiduous attention to detail - the cupcakes are frosted, jelly doughnuts have been glazed, cinnamon rolls topped with cream, and each sliver of strawberry cake brought to life with a moustache.

Physical proof that angpaos don't have to be a huge to pack the most chinesenewyeary punch. Maybe it's the big gold character that we don't understand (but looks convincingly chinese). Maybe it's the cherry blossoms floating down the side (that are actually more of a japanese thing but who cares). Maybe it's the unabashedly red hue. Maybe it's maybelline.

Aunty M.
Another triumph from the makers of MJR© inc, who have consistently outdone themselves at the annual angpao stakes. This years' entry pushes the colour bracket to new depths in a muted shade of burgundy, accentuated with a matte finish and bronze print.
N.B. Each red packet has its own unique verse.

Aunty Iv.
Tired of having your eyes raped by garish colours and mismatched polychromasia every cny?
So are we.
So are we.. ಠ_

Bucking the trend of asian people who lose their chromatic inhibitions during this festive period, the 8th competitor displays an unwavering consciousness of complementary colours. The girly gorgeousness of the rose-pink paper forms a perfect backdrop for the fair-skinned cyclist. We believe the girl is chinese, though her uncharacteristically chiselled nose is beginning to plant seeds of doubt in our minds.

Few have such a firm grasp on angpaoisms as 'Ergu', whose biggest rival is none other than herself. This year she has bested her best with this landscape orientated packet. Be soothed, not stunned, by the light glossy pink undertones - a welcome relief from the rich hues of the season - and the unusual snowy setting in the background. Though not obligatory, a nod toward the zodiac animal of the year is always acknowledged; this bunny has a gold filigree shirt on, which gives him mad style points.

Attached to the bottom right were these two furry cut-out stickers. An unprecedented move of 3-D proportions, bringing the angpao into the 21st century.

Pa and Ma
So how have our closest measured up against such formidable adversaries?
Staying true to their love of wide, envelope-style packets, the P & M must be commended for selecting an angpao more cheenar than last years'.

No detail was spared in the making of this red packet. The floral print on the interior is so clever and intricate, we'll ignore the fact that it looks like tablecloth.


And so ends this year's angpao commentary.

In an unrelated report, i've been eating square egg lately. It's meant for pie tee, but everyone knows i like popiah better than pie tee, so i just swiped some egg to snack on between meals.

Square egg is square.

Okay so. Bye.
And cheh can you please update the blog layout you leysee persen.

