Sunday, February 20, 2011


[21:00:10] Me (to Pa and Ma):
today some weirdo tried to talk to me while i was at QV buying groceries
i usually just walk across the road to coles but the weather was so nice during the day so i just decided to walk to the city
and as i was leaving woolworths and going up the escalator this dude walked up behind me and i almost knocked him with my bag
and i was like oops sorry
then as we were going up the escalator he suddenly said are you chinese?
what kind of question is that
so anyway i was like yeah i'm chinese
and his english was so bad i had to keep asking him to repeat the stuff he was saying
then he said he thought i was vietnamese like him
anyway so after we got off the escalator i walked away and deliberately went one big round to the next escalator (cos the supermarket is two floors down from ground level)
so yeah, i did that and as i was on the next escalator i suddenly heard a voice behind me
"are you a student"
i FREAKED OUT. but i tried to hide it
anyway i tried to be as casual as possible and he just kept sticking with me as i was walking out of qv
ugh i was trying to give him the GO AWAY vibes but whatevs
so i deliberately asked him (just to make sure he wouldnt folow me indefinitely) "whereabouts are you headed" and he said he was going to melb central to buy a coat so i was like okay and he asked me the same q so i said i was going home
and he asked me where i lived and i lied and said southbank because i obviously wasnt going to tell him!! though i lied, which was bad
anyway he tried asking me to sit down and have a coffee or something and i almost didnt understand because his eng was so bad and i was like nooooo hahahaha
i didnt even bother trying to be polite that time i was just like "noooo"
UGH so weird
i mean is this acceptable behaviour?!?! i dont think so.

[21:09:19] Pa (to me):
sayang, pa here. some advise
you can choose not to answer his question

[21:09:23] Me (to Pa and Ma):
ya? hahaha true
i feel so irritated
i should have just ignored him but i was trying to appear nonchalant so i just tried to make small talk
wtheck man

[21:10:27] Pa (to me):
and stay put in a public place, and wait him to head where he wants to go

[21:10:42] Me (to Pa and Ma):
the best part was when i went out of my way to NOT follow him to the second elevator and he showed up behind me again
ya i did that
i made sure he went away

[21:11:02] Pa (to me):
always pray

[21:11:06] Me (to Pa and Ma):
and i kept looking back and anyway i went to coles after that and didnt see him so UGH
he was a scrawny feller though
i think i can take him down

[21:11:47] Pa (to me):
and don't try to start conversation

[21:11:49] Me (to Pa and Ma):
i should carry a weapon
i didn't!
well okay
he did most of it
but i suppose my nonchalance might have come across as being conversational
obviously vietnamese people dont abide by the same social cues as the rest of the world

[21:17:28] Ma (to me):
sayang ma here... ma can imagine how "freaked out" you were when he suddenly sounded from behind you... ma would pray and ask God to help ma get out of such situations without having to lie or do anything out of fear. Rmbr.. God is great and He will always help us so don't feel intimidated or afraid..

[21:17:35] Me (to Pa and Ma):
haha ya as long as i dont bump into him anymore
if i see him again in the next couple of days i am going to assume he's a stalker and kill him


seriously though i think the reason why i entertained his weirdness was because i had this feeling he might just be some overly friendly dude who's lonely in australia. i think cheh might know what i mean. it's like how people shun the homeless in the states because everyone thinks they're drunks and drug addicts, but there are some people who are really in need.

anyway, whatevs to that guy. i'm not so much scared as i am ANNOYED by his persistence. i mean i went out of my way to avoid walking alongside him, and he still sneaks up behind me and has the cheek to try small talk again?! sheesh.

this is probably the only time i will use this hackneyed and lacklustre phrase because it happens to be quite fitting for this situation - good riddance to you, vietnamese dude



  1. D: LOL crazy guy. Yes SF is full of crazy ppl! 8D But like you said I think this one is a lonely and socially-awkward person. =/ I feel a little sorry for him. I hope he finds friends soon so he won't go around creeping people out. =X

  2. Yeah totes! After i said nooo to his request for coffee he said something like "so we can be friends" or something like that.
    He's probably more lonely than crazy/stalkery!
