Sunday, February 6, 2011


HELLO HELLO! Happy Chinese New Year, and Happy Birthday to Greddly Weddles!

I have changed the layout template to something that fits the season better. :P Muahahar!!

I know I say this every semester, but for serious, this semester is probably going to be the busiest of all my semesters so far. Here's my homework list for the first week:

1) 2D animation: bouncing ball (I've finished this already. About 70 sheets altogether. =x)
2) 3D animation: pendulum swing
3) 3D animation: bouncing ball
4) 3D animation: draw poses for walk cycle
5) clothed figure drawing: four drawings of pillows illustrating stretching and compressing
6) heads & hands: self portrait
7) heads & hands: create a composition window using cardboard

Tonight I'm going to have CNY dinner with Uncle Harry + family, and Rachel + Vik. Steamboat! Omnomnom!

1 comment:

  1. LOL "for serious"

    and HAHA you finished a whole animation already! though the bouncing ball animation must be like epic cake for you.

    the work this semester sounds nicer than the last
