Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter Break

This is the end of my 1 week easter break, and i have to say it has not been very break-y at all. I've been labouring over this english essay hat i have due on wednesday, and for some reason it's been more tedious than usual to get it done.
There are a couple of reasons i suspect this is so:

It is a research-based assignment, meaning i have to draw on material from several different academic sources and include some of these points in my essay, either in the form of direct quotes or re-worded sentences. Trying to make someone else's views fit in the flow of your essay is SHITTY. I mean unless this writer has the exact angle you're going for, it will be awkward to include it in your essay. Either your view or theirs will have to give in, in some way.

This essay is about poetry, which is a component of literature that i don't particularly like. It's not so bad just as a reading, but i don't enjoy writing about it as much.

This assignment requires the analysis of three (3) separate poems in a single essay, that must be coherently linked by a theme. See #2.

Having an entire week - literally 24x7 hours to complete this essay, i might have overdone the research component by... a lot. I borrow a crapload of books from the school library, spent 1.5 days picking out relevant quotes and listing them, and as such, had to sift a mountain of material to pick out the stuff that really mattered. Plus my first draft had close to 3000 words, which is 1800 over the word limit for this assignment. Having to edit down that much = a huge pain.

Yup. BUT it is time to stop the whingeing and start the thanksgiving. I'm basically DONE with the essay!!! :D Thank GOD. FOR REALS. I mean i was obviously having a crap time mid-week, but things improved dramatically after i prayed and just gave the whole convoluted mess up to God. That sounds bad, but you guys get the point. Besides, i don't think God is particularly fazed by essays. I love this feeling of being done with my assignment 4 days in advance. I'm usually working up to the last minute - and i'm sure i'll still read it through/tweak it on tuesday night - but this time i can chillax a little. Thank God. YAY argh stupid poetry. So NOT taking it in year 2 and 3.

RIGHT on to less boring crap.

Do you guys rememeber how i said my new laptop set up needed some adjustment? I stacked it on top of a couple of sturdy paper shelf things, but the screen still wasn't quite at eye-level.
At the time i had thought of a solution, but it required time and some minor effort on my part.
So at long last, here it is!! The solution:

Egg cartons.

LOLOL they are surprisingly hardy! It took a total of three egg cartons to make a wide enough base for the whole setup. And as you can see, the state of my desk has altered drastically since FEBRUARY:

It is now a wasteland of books and papers and stationary.

So there you go! I'm quite happy with the turn out. The laptop screen is now rather more comfortable and closer to eye level, though not squarely. Plus the middle shelf in under the laptop is much easier to access than when it was pretty much obstructed by my key board.


Okay. That's all for now (:

Somebody please tell me WHY i found our blog renamed 'Blogl'.
And what is up with the entry under this one titled "Snigl". It honestly better not be what i think it is. If you guys got a new puppy i'm going to be mad. If you have, and named it SNIGL i am going to be furious.




  1. Thank God for His help and ma like the way you put it... "but things improved dramatically after i prayed and just gave the whole convoluted mess up to God." Ha ha ha. We actually do that often and at times not realising it... but God knows and He's always waiting for us to cast all our cares and concerns to Him. Love you sayang. Thanks for this blog.. ma's enjoying all your entries and laughing at what you did with whatever resources you have to improve your workstation... hahaha. Ma love you sayang.

  2. After Grisl was gone, the house felt different... esp when we entered the kitchen. That evening, after spending hours at the Vet and arranging Grisl's cremation etc., etc., we were thankful that it ended well. But upon reaching home, all of us had the same absent minded thinking that Grisl was in the kitchen! Subsequent days found us in that same absent mindedness... esp when we stepped into the kitchen and her bed was empty. Eventually, we decided to get another... and came up with this name Snigl... only after many attempts of making up names that end with a consonant and an 'l'... so much so that ma thought might as well change our blog name to blogl which ma felt fits our family of such names.

  3. At first ma was wondering what was it you did with the tray and the laptop... until ma scrolled down and saw the egg cartons... hahaha so funny. But yes.. they are hardy and infact they look rather neat! love you very much sayang.
