Monday, October 19, 2009


Usually there is nothing nice to say about melbourne and all its quirks.
It IS a lovely place, but there are so many factors working to dampen my spirits that I pay hardly enough attention to the "good stuff". Don't feel any of it right now, but some of it has to be floating around.

Today's temp was mostly in the low 20s. The best it has been in AGES. I actually broke into a sweat while walking from venue to venue between classes, but that was probably because i was dressed for colder weather. It's actually near perfect right now, hahaha.. and everyone is happy. Like I took a walk to the supermarket and all these people were at the park frolicking and stuff.

Sorry the entries are getting shorter and shorter... i'm having sporadic thought bursts followed by complete blanks.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Almost there!!!!! =D

I have almost finished my homework!!!!! =D
Only 1 set and computer homework's left to go..........?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lot's and lot's of homework!!!!! D=

SORRY! Can't talk now! Need to do homework! Now I can't use the computer for more than 5 minutes!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

An Odd Number

Happy Birthday to Pa!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Say what?

"Melbourne turned on stunning spring weather and a
perfect running temperature of 7 degrees for the morning fun-run."

- The Age, October 12, 2009





Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sad Rose! =(

This rose, is a sad one...... =( because I had to throw it away for many reason's :

1. This rose is inedible and it came from my friends birth-day cake.
2. It got squished in my pocket.
3. There was supposed to be a small leaf attached to it but it came off. =(
4. The rose still had some dried up cream from the cake so, if I put it in my room, it might attract ants. =(
5. A petal from the rose got torned off. =(

And yet, it's soo pretty..... =( goodbye rose. =(

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Sayangs, ma changed the template for a brighter outlook. The background color and texture reminds ma very much of the invitation cards we gave out for our wedding... a very special occasion.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I realised that I haven't put up any photos of my room here. So... here.

AGHHH!!! I thought I was the neat one.

It's tragic that the bedspreads disgust me so much.
As you might be able to see, there are Carebear prints all over my blanket... and they're not even the real things. Some businessman in China probably decided to mass produce these covers without buying the rights to do it, so in order to avoid a law suit he had all the bears printed in these screwed up colours like fuchsia and pus-yellow.
These are the sort of bedspreads i swore i would NEVER buy... not even for my kids, if i have any. WHY can't she buy bedsheets in plain, solid colours??? For pete's sake. They're not that expensive. And I mean, if she really wanted to get bedsheets with cartoon prints she should have bought like... the "genuine articles". Like remember our old Lion King sheets? They were the real deal. The lions were golden brown and the leaves in the bushes were green... EVERYTHING WAS AS IT SHOULD BE. Simba didn't have a random purple eyeball, or like, blue teeth.
If I get an apartment, ALL of my bedsheets are going to be in safe, warm, SOLID colours.

Obviously I have trouble getting to my computer keyboard.
Typing without knocking over any of the objects is a real challenge.

I need more wardrobe space.

more laayyyttteeerrrrrhh :D
school's started. so has daylight savings
f.y.i. i'm now THREE hours ahead of singapore and EIGHTEEN ahead of san francisco.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tinkerbell Movie

Now, you're wondering why I was sooo interested in Pixie LAST time...... well..... because there was A TINKERBELL MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
Papa recorded it and burned it on a cd....... so when you all return, WE CAN WATCH TOGETHER!! =D Is'nt that GREAT? And it's a nice movie! =D

Liesl: I Love My Bed!

How did my table get so neat? D:

It's because I now have a makeshift desk at the end of my bed! It's made of curtain rods and this... grill thingy with an unknown purpose. Muahahar!

I also have a small makeshift shelf just next to my pillow for me to keep books and stuff. =) The two white boxes contain picture slides of processed film from my latest photo assignment.

Cozy mozy!! =D

Saturday, October 3, 2009

EMERGENCY!!!! URGENT!!!! (There was supposed to be another post here but it's not THAT important, so I will post it tommorow.)

The title of the movie is called "Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs"......... here is the trailer,
HELP!!!! D=

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Liesl: Need More Time!

Analysis of Form: Drapery

This Thursday is the last day we get to work on our drapery drawing in class.

Been really REALLY busy this week. Haven't had time to relax much. Always up and about, if not at lessons then in the labs, if not in the labs then in the apartment doing assignments and stuff. Good thing I didn't take a fifth class pa.

And now, on top of everything, I have to juggle cooking, laundry, grocery shopping and all that as well. Not that I see them as chores, but they do take up time, and time is something I'm in sore need of. D:

Just yesterday I was in the stop motion lab working on my paper cutout animation. I think I messed it up, and I was in a rush because it was getting late so I didn't bother redoing. It's not terribly bad or anything, I'd just expected to do better. =(

It's due on Friday, but I don't have time to fuss over it anymore because today I have to work on my 3D modeling assignment, and tomorrow after drawing class I have to go out and take pictures for my photo assignment.

On a brighter note, I'm still enjoying what I do, so it's all good. =)

MA AND PA WHERE ARE THE TWO OF YOU? D: I only see Gretl and Jonyl posting in this blog. =P

I've been putting tartar sauce in my pasta sauce. It's weird. +_+

Anyway I have to go now. Gonna rent a camera for tomorrow then go down to Target and get a few work-related/ necessary items for my room.

And then start on my 3D assignment.