Saturday, March 12, 2011


Argh!! The scariest thing just happened!

Nick and I were playing Rock Band and we had the TV on at the same time, but with the sound barely audible so that we could hear the songs. I guess that's probably why I didn't notice a thing until Nick suddenly paused the game and quickly turned up the volume.

Whatever was showing at the time had been replaced by a still screen that read "EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM". As the sound gradually came back up, we heard an announcer trying to talk through some really bad static. I could only make out the words "EARTHQUAKE", "8.9" and a couple of bay area names, including San Francisco.

My first thought was an earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 8.9 was going to hit the bay area, which sent me reeling in panic, trying to remember what to do from the drill in school. (For some reason, "stop, drop and roll" kept coming to mind. -_-) But after listening further, I realised it was Japan that had just been hit by the earthquake, and that this announcement was a tsunami warning.

So apparently, according to the announcer, the tsunami is imminent, and it'll probably hit the bay area at around 8am. Nick seems a lot more relaxed about it than I am... I guess this is because I've never had to worry about such things in Singapore before. D: I'm now frantically backing up all my work in my portable hard drive that I'm planning to keep in a ziploc bag, while Nick is looking on in amusement.

I'll update on what happens later. O_O


UPDATE: Ok, so now I'm watching the news, and the newscaster says the tsunami warning is not a tsunami warning, but a tsunami watch, which means a tsunami is not necessarily imminent after all. There will be big waves, but they may not do any major damage.


UPDATE: So it would seem a few dozen boats and docks were damaged/ destroyed along the coast of Northern California, and that's about it. Apparently some homes down in South San Francisco were evacuated, and a couple of schools are closed for the day. No major issues have been reported, and I'm now left to reflect on the fact that I was more concerned about saving my work than myself. =/


UPDATE: Wow... some Californians actually got swept away by the waves. I'd feel sorry for them, but we were given ample time to evacuate and I don't understand why so many people still insisted on going to the beaches to witness the impact. How reckless. -_- They kinda brought this on themselves.


  1. The Chow Chow PuliMarch 12, 2011 at 8:52 AM

    Please pray for my best friend Gwendolyn, she went to Japan immediately after school on Thursday!!!!!!!

  2. Sayang, pa's here. Yes, japan is very seriously hit byt he quake & tsunami.
    BTW, when is a good time to skype with you?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. After the tsunami, the next main concern was the nuclear plants in Japan, where pressure has been building up in the reactors, one of which has already leaked some radiation. "Operators have detected eight times the normal radiation levels outside the facility and 1,000 times normal inside Unit 1's control room... each hour the plant was releasing the amount of radiation a person normally absorbs in a year."

    All this sounds so serious!... pray!!

  5. Oh actually I was hoping to skype with you guys yesterday evening (sat morning sg time) but Jojo was using the com and she said the two of you were praying. How about later tonight (after church for you guys)?


    Bravo the Toy Poodle is trying to us -shifty eyes-

    so glad you're okay cheh. and when i got to the bottom and read the bit about the californians being swept away by waves, i kind of loled, so i guess i'm a bad person.

    ma, why was your comment removed by an administrator??

  7. ^Bravo the Toy Poodle is trying to outrank us


  8. Oh sayang.. ma just saw your comments. Ma was the one who removed it.. hmmm... can't remember why, though. Yes.. so we are all "administrators" Love you sayangs!!! ♥♥♥
